My Rib: I love you, Quincey Reid.
My Rib: You are and forever will be my infinity and beyond love.
Two days have passed since London last texted me. At the oddest times of the day, she’d call me for a quick two minute conversation letting me know she was alive and would eventually come to me. I don’t know what she was going through. Whatever personal issues those were didn’t feel heavy. Her voice sounded lighter but in the back of my mind, I felt like something was off. Felt like something had happened and I wasn’t sure what or where to look to find out.
Usually, when someone close to me was going through something heavy I felt that shit miles away. Before I got the call that Paxton’s first wife died in a car accident I felt off that entire day. My muscles were weak and I couldn’t focus for shit. An overwhelming pressure sat in the middle of my chest making me uncomfortable and worried. This feeling wasn’t any different. I’d checked in with all my brothers and they were good. Kandon confirmed our parents were okay.
I thought what I was feeling had to do with him since he put his divorce in motion and our mother was spiraling out of control because she didn’t expect her sons to band together and defend him when she threatened to kick him out of the company. Our combined shares and vote in the company alone stopped anything she tried to do. She needed to lick her wounds and go on about her business.
That was the easiest and most logical thing for her to do but she did the complete opposite. Getting lawyers involved and trying to sue Kandon. We stood behind him and moved to remove her completely from the board. Her ten percent shares and voting power had nothing on us. Her lawyers even told her it was a waste of time and money but she wanted to be spiteful so we were going to be spiteful right back.
Control was going to send my mother to an early grave.
“Come take a ride with me.” Quest came back in from taking a call out in my backyard. He’d been over here for the last couple of days just chilling out and waiting for Dove to call him when she was ready to be picked up from her counseling sessions at Connie’s House.
Donovan reaching out to her the way he did, sending pictures of her naked and tied up, sent her down a crazy mental disaster. Quest wanted to slaughter the entire Dubri family and if I’m betting my last dollars he already had things in motion. One thing he didn’t play about was Dove.
“Hell no.” The last time he asked me to take a ride with him we were on the Kalmin compound and he was making London relieve her trauma.
Taking a seat across from me he sat there quiet with his eyes on the ground. The longer his silence drifted the more I felt my chest tighten. Tiny needle pricks and heat covered my neck and ears. His charging energy was throwing me off.
“Elgin Dubri is dead. He was murdered the day before yesterday.” He explained shifting his eyes up to me.
Lord, forgive me but about damn time.
But why did he seem sad about it?
Just yesterday he was cleaning his guns and touching base with a friend of his that was able to give live updates on every Dubri from Damien to Richard. This silence was longer and more crushing. Tears pricked my eyes and it started to become hard to breathe being consumed by his unexplainable grief.
“What happened, Quest?” For a split second, I thought something might’ve happened to London, but I knew that couldn’t be the case. My heart ached but it wasn’t for her.
“Natalie. She committed suicide.” My damn heart dropped.
Quest’s dream.
“She left a note for Hendrix explaining what Wayne had done to her years ago. London and Dove weren’t the only ones those sick fucks was terrorizing.” Out of nowhere, my coffee table went flying across the room, glass breaking everywhere, and he stood huffing like a wild beast. “What type of game is God playing?” He yelled, spit flying from his mouth. “She told me what happened. She told me who did it. Why silence her and not let him be handled accordingly? He silenced London. He silenced Dove. For what? What did silencing them do other than making those motherfuckers think they can do whatever they wanted?”
He and I shared the same concern. I wasn’t one to question God and what He was doing but when it came to this, I sat in a constant state of confusion and anger.
This family thinks they’re invisible. Always had that mindset because of their father, who is a state senator. Richard Dubri covers his son's vial behavior in order to keep his constant votes in every election.
“I’m going to see Hendrix. I’d like it if you went with me.” He didn’t have to ask me again. I locked up my house and offered to drive knowing he wasn’t in the right frame of mind to do so.
When we pulled up to his house my muscles tightened. My heart was beating so fast. Something has happened. Something was about to get relieved. I can’t explain why I thought those things but that’s how I felt following Quest up to Hendrix’s front door. I’ve only been to his home a few times and his need for having over twenty acres of land and being five miles away from his closest neighbor always fascinated me. He wanted isolation and created this wide layout of land to get it.
“Hi, Quest and Quincey.”
Startled to see Andrea opening the door and stepping back to let us in, Quest and I looked at each other before walking in. Hendrix’s house felt oddly warm. No one appeared to be here but him and Andrea, which still had me pondering. For her to be here alone… something was about to happen.
“He’s down here.” She led the way down to his office. Compared to the front of the house where it was warm, this side was freezing cold.
I’ve never seen the inside of his office. Never had a reason to but this set up he had going on was crazy. There were large mounted screens covering every inch of the right side of the room with live footage of different people. Pictures of the Dubri family taped all over the left. In the middle of the floor were at least ten to twelve black bags with weapons overstuffed in them. Straight ahead was Hendrix standing by his window with his back towards us.
“I don’t hate you, Quest.” His voice was unrecognizable. Cold and empty. “She wrote a very detailed note explaining everything she told you and why she made you swear an oath of not acting on her behalf. I do have one favor to ask of you though.”
Andrea sighed, shaking her head. “You can’t ask that of him, Hendrix.”
Locs piled high on his head, Hendrix turned around with a smirk on his face. “I do have that right and I am going to ask whatever it is that I want.” He and Drea stared off before he broke it up by shifting his gaze to Quest. “I want to show you something. Come take a look.” He turned back towards his window.