Page 88 of Lost In London

“That’s probably Luna.” His doorbell rang and I moved around gathering my things. She and I were spending the afternoon together since she was in town for a few days. “Um, I don’t know what time we’ll be done hanging in the streets doing hoodrat things but it will probably be late so I’ll go to the compound and wait for you to call me when you get up.”

Waving to Luna as he stepped out on his porch, he looked down at me with a lazy smile. “Give me your hand.” Obeying, I held out my hand and gasped when he placed a gold key hanging on a crown keychain that had my name written in acrylic letters. “Now you can come home to me when you’re done.”

Hopelessly in love, I dropped my purse and jumped in his arms. I loved him so damn much that my body started to ache when I thought about not having him in my life. “I love you to infinity and beyond, Quincey Reid.”

Managing to pick up my purse and carry me to Luna’s car, he said the words I hoped he’d say on our wedding day. “Bones of my bones. Flesh of my flesh. Love you too. Y’all be safe.” He made sure I was buckled in before standing and watching us drive off.

As soon as I no longer could see him out the side mirror, I exhaled. “I can’t believe I lied to him.” I groaned, pulling out my ringing phone.

“Technically you aren’t lying. We are hanging out and having fun. Just with some guns and flying bullets.” She shrugged like what she said relaxed my nerves.

“Hey, Cassian. What’s up?”

“Don’t what’s up Cassian me, London Nicole. I don’t like how you’re moving at all. Why aren’t you ever home? I give you a little leeway to get your booty rubbed and now you think you’re grown sleeping out and not coming home.” Goodness I wasn’t in the right headspace to deal with his spoiled behavior.

If he was reacting like this from me spending time over Quincey’s house then I couldn’t imagine how he’d react if I ever moved out. I mean it was bound to happen. The man just gave me a key to his house. As much as I loved living with Cassian, he couldn’t give me what I needed now. My wants and needs had shifted. I was entering a new season and it didn’t include me being in his skin but in Quincey’s.

Feeling taps on my thigh, I opened my eyes and followed her finger. I’d been quiet and trying to calm my nerves with Cassian still going off in my ear that I missed when she stopped the car.

There, in the flesh, was Elgin Dubri parking his car along the curve in front of a two-story home. When I sent Luna that text about being ready, she reacted just like I knew she would - ready to go. I could’ve given Amell and Cassian Elgin’s location. I could’ve given it to Quest. After witnessing Dove’s moment, I refused for another woman to be a victim.

I wanted them to suffer.

I wanted them dead.

First on our list was Elgin.

“You don’t love us no more, Lolo?” Melly cried into the phone making my chest tight.

Cassian was foul and low for that. “Of course, I still love you. I’ll always love you.” Out the corner of my eye, Luna reached in the back and pulled out a long black bag.

“Give me the phone.” Cassian started to wrestle with his child and I was stuck staring at the house.

“Wait… no, Papa.” Melly cried louder, making my eyes squeeze shut.

I needed to focus without the distraction of them.

“Lolo, I don’t like your boyfriend. When I see him I’m kicking him in the knees. Here, Papa. I can’t talk to her while I’m skressed.” Tai brought me to tears.

The nerve of her being stressed when I was sitting here on a kill mission.

“See what you did to my babies, ole traitor.”

“Really, Cassian? You are so wrong for that. Why would you say that to them?”

“No. What’s low and foul is you picking dick over us.”

I gasped as my stomach dropped. “That-that’s so not fair.” I sniffled not trying to cry at this moment.

“You’re right. How you’re treating us isn’t fair. Go back to that nigga and we’ll be fine without you.” Without me? “I gotta go judge Tai’s fashion show with her dolls since you ain’t got time for us, and I’m eating all your brownies we made for you too.” He hung up hurting my feelings even more.

Without me?

Is that the sacrifice I had to make by loving Quincey?

Either them or him?

I wanted to cry so bad but he wasn’t going to guilt trip me into feeling bad for letting love take me on a new adventure.