“I don’t take my job as her man lightly, Zi.” The way he made love to my shoulder had my fingertips turning white gripping the counter so tight. And his morning voice… dear, Lord. “What’s up, First Lady Cambridge. Where’s Bishop?” My eyes flew open hearing him address her like he knew her.
“Heyy, Quincey.” She sang. “He’s over in the jacuzzi relaxing with a cigar and a glass of brandy.” Shifting the camera over, there was Bishop shirtless in the jacuzzi with his sunglasses on and bobbing his head to the music. I had to blink a few times seeing him so… so… outside of his church persona.
Not because he was enjoying his weekend but seeing him shirtless and seeing him like that… all fine.
Bishop was a fine ass man.
A well seasoned grown fine man.
“I’ll make sure we coordinate our schedules to link up. I hate to end y’all conversation but I need my time with my baby. Tell Bishop I said what’s up.” Hands circled my hips pulling me back into that lethal hardness he carried between his legs.
“You ain’t gotta tell me twice. I can read between the lines.” Blushing, I dropped my head. “London, I’m so happy for you. Quincey is a phenomenal man. Be safe, lovebirds.” I’m glad she disconnected the call because I was afraid to move. Fearing that once I did my legs would unclench and that puddle in my panties would seep through and run down my legs.
Hands moving up from my waist up to that space right under my breast, he continued to tongue kiss my shoulder making me shiver and moan. “Thank you for breakfast.”
Whining my hips against his pelvis I became lost in the strength of his hands gliding across my skin and his wet kisses. Became so turned on by the hardness of his body. “You’re welcome.” I didn’t recognize the husk in my voice. It was new, I felt new.
He became harder and my hips became greedy.
We wanted this man.
I was ready.
We were ready for this.
“What do you have planned for us today?” Selfishly he took his heat away from me, making me whimper. “Let me eat… this food and I promise to love on you.”
“Okay. Go sit while I make your plate.” It took several deep breaths for me to shake out of the lust fog he put me in.
Today was my dad’s last day of testing. If everything came back fine he’d be released tomorrow so I really hadn’t planned to go back up there until a few hours before visitation was over. After that shit show with my family happened I wasn’t so anxious to dip my toes back in that murky water and deal with their bullshit. I had Quincey all to myself and I had plans.
Some grown-up plans.
“Here. I hope you like it.” I made sure his plate was piled high and I had the biggest glass filled with the juice. My baby wasn’t a small man and I loved that.
He dived in quickly after blessing his food. “Damn, baby. These pancakes are good. I don’t even need syrup.” Whew, I did good. “Why aren’t you eating?”
I started to fidget with my rings and shifted from one foot to the next. “What my aunt said yesterday…”
Mid bite he shook his head. “Don’t you dare apologize for the ignorance of others.”
“I know but I want to clear the air about a few things.” More like a lot of things. “Please just listen to me.”
Turning around showing off his sexy ass physique - bare chested, boxer briefs with a more than mouth watering tint, and overall just his usual chocolate sexiness. “Give me a kiss first.” Giddy to be in his arms again, I skipped my happy ass over to him and kissed him until I realized what he was trying to do.
“Stop distracting me.” I giggled, wiggling out of his arms.
His smile was slow, eyes low, and lips being licked. “Fine. You got it, baby.”
Why did he have to make my knees buckle like that?
“Okay, so I don’t get along with most of my cousins. I damn sure don’t get along with my aunts, especially Jackie.” I went on to tell him about that summer of hell in Mississippi and my discovery of what kissing and hunching cousins was. How her son did everything he could to touch me in some way and how my mother beat me for the pervertedness of another.
My mouth was on a roll because I started to explain my past sexual history starting from high school leading up to my assault with Elgin. I explained how I became hypersexual in my late teens and it continued until after I graduated college. I poured out my heart to this man and I shed not one tear. It’s like his armor of strength and protection covered me so secure that I felt safe to be that open and vulnerable.
“Was he in that waiting room?” His jaw clenched.
“No. No. He doesn’t live in New York. He lives in Utah I think.” I could feel his anger radiating off his broad shoulders.