And she baked for me.
Without me having to ask she broke down the relationship shared between her and Cassian. Broke down the role she played in his life along with his kids and the role they played in hers. She never went into too much detail but she let it be known that I had nothing to worry about.
It was interesting and funny that she was more concerned with letting me know the ins and outs of her relationship with Cassian rather than her relationship with Olena. The more time we spent together, it became evident that Olena wasn’t a person of importance. She was nothing more than London’s fearful façade of putting her heart back together.
“I had no idea we’d have a turn out this grand.” Peering over the mass sea of students and faculty, Derrick nodded his head in appreciation of what London had done. “You all work well together as a team. Good job.” As much as that made my chest swell in pride, I couldn’t take credit for what had been pulled off in less than two weeks.
Catching the crease of her eyes, head tossed back and neck exposed laughing at whatever Massey had whispered to her, the woman of the hour had no idea what her selflessness ignited in me. “Credit goes to Ms. Carter. I served as her arm bearer when it came to the schools but this is all her.”
Though our time working together had been minimal, she gave me a hands-on experience of understanding and respecting what my father had done for my mother. How he sacrificed his dreams to see her seed planted in nourishing soil. His role protecting her from weeds wanting to kill off her nourishment, I understood it all because I was now in the same position with London. Protecting her so she could step out in her purpose in boldness. However, there was a huge difference.
London wasn’t trying to silence my desires and dreams to accomplish hers, something my mother has faithfully done to my father since they’ve been married.
“These smoothies are really good too. Quest, do you want to try the passion fruit one with me?” Oblivious to my brother’s ogling, Dove swayed to the music, not even realizing if she swayed an inch closer to him that he might take her for keeping.
Clearing his throat, he blinked out of her spell. “Yes, please.”
“Want another, Quincey?”
“I’m good, thank you.”
“I’ll be back.” Dove’s small height disappeared in the crowd leaving only her high ball of hair as our guide to her movements.
“Gentlemen, excuse me.” Derrick walked off right as other board members entered the cafeteria area.
Behind them was a tall group of men with kids. One of them looked familiar. Cassian Kalmin. He squinted and pointed to where London stood and two little girls took off running screaming ‘Lolo’. Watching London turn around and eyes brighten in a brightness I’ve seen when she spoke of them, they must’ve been Tai and Melly.
“Old School, I didn’t know you were back in town.” Cassian and my brother greeted each other.
“Yeah, man. I have some unfinished business that I need to take care of.” Quest’s eyes drifted over to where Dove was in line waiting. “What are you doing here?”
Nodding his head towards London, he took out his toothpick and grinned. “I’m here to celebrate Tha Don.” He looked over at me and held his fist out. “I already know you’re this GI Joe’s brother.”
Chuckling, I dapped his fist. “Yeah, I’m one of the five. You’re the one who owns Rims & Heauxs, right?”
Brushing a hand over his head grinning like a mischievous child, he nodded. “Yep. That’s my shit. I’ve been servicing your brother’s car for years. Bring your whip down and come see me. I’ll make sure to hook you up. We got… ah, hell no. Ain’t this some shit.” Looking to see what caused him to look like he swallowed something sour, we all watched Olena walk in with flowers making a beeline for London.
“Did I miss anything?” Landon came up and stood next to Cassian.
“Nigga, didn’t you just walk in with me? If you weren’t so busy trying to sign these smelly ass kids to your label you would’ve been present.” The mug Cassian gave had me snickering. Quest always said that Cassian was a unique character but standing in his presence for less than ten minutes, he was a comedy relief. Then I remembered how he called London thinking he was about to die and she poisoned him because he didn’t know beet juice turned your stool red.
Landon waved him off. “What’s up, Quincey? I didn’t know you knew my sister.” I didn’t know I knew his sister either.
For as long as I’ve known Andrea never did we talk about her personal life that I would know who her husband’s sister was.
This world was too small.
Quick greetings were done and his attention, like ours, was pulled back to London and Olena. London had received her flowers but gave Olena her cheek when she tried to kiss her. Immediately after rejecting her girlfriend's affection, London looked my way. I wasn’t at all pissed or jealous. Winking at her, I stood there unbothered by it all. Their little scheme was about to come to an end.
Pressure busts pipes and I was about to bust the hell out of London’s.
“Uh, Is that a client of London’s? She seems friendly.” Landon wore the same perplexed look on his face when I was first introduced to Olena. A look of this shit don’t make no sense.
Snickering, Cassian made it clear who that woman was with his sister. “She seems real friendly 'cause that’s your sister’s girlfriend.”
Landon’s head snapped around to glare at Cassian so fast. Quest and I shared an amused look. This was about to get good. “What? You mean like a good friend, right?”
“Nah, nigga. I mean a girlfriend like they bumping coochies and swapping spit.” Thanks to his description, Quest and I both must’ve breathed through the wrong pipe because we started coughing.