Page 8 of In Spade's

Chapter Eight


I stare at the clock for the hundred thousandth time as I try to focus on the numbers in front of me. What the hell? Numbers have always made sense. So why the fuck aren’t they adding up today?

Whit sticks his head in the door and gives me a knowing look. “You want to go find the girls?”

I narrow my eyes. Hell yeah, I want to go look for the girls and find out what trouble Bea and Kat have gotten Pearl in. But am I supposed to want that? Probably not. But what good does it do me to keep staring at the same damned column of numbers when all I want to do is go back home and sit on the couch watching movies with the little strawberry blonde that has me wrapped around her finger.

“I’m fucked, aren’t I?”

Me and Whit have never kept things from each other and I don’t see a reason to start now. His mouth moves into a smile before answering me, “Oh yeah. So fucked.”

I sit forward and proceed to faceplant my desk.

A slap on the back has me looking up but only from the side so that my face is still on my desk, the cold of the surface sinking into the cheek pressed to it. “What the hell am I going to do? Roman trusts me.”

“Yeah, and you are totally that man which is why he trusts you to start with. I know a little something about kid sisters and…”

“I kissed her.”

“Oh, you are so totally fucked, my friend. My best advice is to come clean as soon as you can because putting it off only ends up hurting the one you love.”

Love? The word hasn’t really come up when I think of Pearl. I want her, sure. I crave her presence and wonder what she is thinking and doing when she’s not with me…but love? And Whit is right - only love is going to be worth fucking a friendship up and I don’t just mean with Roman but the budding friendship I have found with Pearl as well.

There is no way she isn’t as pure as freshly fallen snow, she’s just too…sweet not to be that innocent. And what the hell do I know about any of that? Not enough to fuck up what I have with Roman and Pearl.

“You’re right. You go on. Have fun. I’m going to stay here and run the Morgan numbers one more time.” Which would be the first time, since I never got through them the first time.

Whit looks at me with narrowed eyes, “You sure?”

“Yeah, I’m sure.”

I’m sure I need to put space between me and Pearl. No more kissing, no more staring longingly, no more standing so close to her I can practically smell the innocence. No more falling for the clumsy little strawberry blonde that has me wound so tight I’m bound to break. No! No more!

But then I go home. She’s in the kitchen humming and dancing around like she doesn’t have a care in the world. I can’t help but stare at the tempting globes of her ass as she sways her hips and prances through a move that kind of shocks me that she can do.

And then she turns spots me standing in the room and immediately loses her footing. I barely catch her in time preventing her from hitting the floor. And just like before, I fall every time she falls. The fact she gets all flustered and a little clumsy when I’m around just endears her to me for some reason.

“I made dinner.”

“I can see and it smells delicious.”

She gives me a brilliant smile before doing a little dance to go back to the stove where she pulls out a pan full of brownies. And holy shit! If I didn’t get a little hard just having her body against mine I am completely there now with the scent of those brownies. My mouth is watering and not all of it from the food. I got a very nice view of her backside when she bent over to retrieve said brownies.

“Uh…I’m going to go…wash up.” Yeah, that sounds right. Not that I need to go into the bathroom to jerk my cock because she smells better than the sweetest candy and I can only think of every dirty way I want to use those brownies on her body. Along with whipped cream. Yeah, I got to go. “I’ll…give me ten minutes…fifteen.”

She isn’t even looking at me and instead focuses all her attention on the food she’s carrying over to the island.

What the hell happened to keeping my distance? What the hell am I doing? And who the hell am I going to get to save me when the woman dancing and singing in my kitchen is utterly slaying me?

Chapter Nine


I wonder what’s on his mind tonight. He seems… stressed. And I hope like hell it isn’t because of anything I did. After dinner, we go into the living room and watch movies again. This time he gets to pick them. We start off with comedy but somehow fall into horror by the end of the night.

The next day is very similar to the day before with me hanging out with Bea and Kat some before coming back and cooking. After dinner, we go straight for horror. And I find myself changing the place I am sitting because it’s far too open to watch scary shit and not worry about something creeping up behind you.