Page 11 of In Spade's

She starts giggling under me and I can’t stop my hands from coming around to her sides and tickling her. She starts laughing so hard her head is thrown back and her chest is pushed forward. Her body arching off the couch like it does when I tickle her, helps me visualize what she would look like during the throes of passion. It’s an image I want to see again…soon. My body doesn’t realize she’s pressing into me because she’s trying to run away from my tickling. It just knows she is soft and she smells good. It’s a real feat to not let her find out what she is doing to me and my body.

“Come on, beautiful. Let’s start a movie and see where the night goes. Oh, I can make us some popcorn.”

“That sounds great. But, um, can we watch something else besides a horror movie? Just for tonight?”

It’s late when I finally turn the television off. I let the movie play as long as I could so I didn’t run the risk of the silence waking Pearl up. She fell asleep at the beginning of the second movie and I didn’t have the heart to wake her…or the resistance. She happened to fall asleep on me. Her head snuggled against me, her hand gently laying on my chest and her warmth against my side. Other than kissing her this has got to be my favorite part of the night.

Just like I was worried would happen, her eyes flutter open and she gives me a sleepy smile. “Hi.”

“Hi, beautiful. You about ready to go to bed?”

“With you?”

I smile for her but inside I’m not laughing. The idea of taking her to my bedroom and curling around her while she sleeps sounds real damned good. But…, “I don’t think you are ready for that just yet, beautiful. Are you sweetheart?” And maybe I’m not ready for that either.

Chapter Eleven


I sit in the stands watching the game or at least I’m pretending to watch the game. In reality, the only person I’m watching is Spade. I never realized how fucking sexy hockey can be. Or how good at it he seems to be, especially for someone so sweet. And what does it say about me that it only makes him hotter when he creams someone while taking the puck down the ice?

“Oh God, it’s Maricia!”

My attention focuses on Kat who is looking at a beautiful woman taking a seat near the bottom. I can’t really see why Kat would not like the woman but…then again I’m new. “Why…?

“She’s a toucher. She rushes to the men and flirts, which is fine I guess, but the touching pisses me the fuck off. You don’t touch another woman’s man.”

“Besides, Kat and the woman have history. Kat kind of made a fool out of her and she’s been trying to be mean to her ever since. She told her the other day she was going to get fat while pregnant and Whit was going to leave her.”

“That’s awful.”

“Yeah. They had to hold Whit back. Kat always owns her though. She told her she might get fat, but she would always be younger. Woman’s got a real problem with her age or something.”

“I simply pointed out there is a huge difference between being ripe and being rotten. How she took it was her own problem, not mine.”

I cover my mouth to try to hold in the giggle and notice as the woman looks up at us and narrows her eyes. She has ‘catty’ written all over her and not in a good way either. I shift in my seat and go back to mooning over Spade. I feel bad about Kat being upset and even though I watch the game I can’t help but think about it and what I would do if I was in her position. I wouldn’t have been as cheeky as she was but then again Kat is pretty much a kick-ass spitfire of a woman who knows her man loves and wants her. You can totally tell it when he looks at her. Hell, you can practically feel it.

Once the game is over, we all go down where the guys are so we can congratulate them and sure enough Maricia is there first. Spade is helping Whit keep her away from himself. As soon as he spots Kat coming he goes straight for her, wrapping her in his arms and kissing the hell out of her. It’s sigh-worthy.

“You’re the little sister, right?”

I look at the woman and nod. Spade comes over to stand next to me, giving Maricia a look that clearly tells her not to start shit.

“See Spade, I would go home with you but aren’t you babysitting the little sister for poor Roman? Really kills the mood having a kid in the house.”

“One, never, nor will I ever, want anything to do with you, lady. And two, clearly you can look at Pearl and see she isn’t a kid. And three, not only will I never want anything to do with you and neither will my boy. Go home!”

She turns her gaze to me, and I meet her stare. She pretty much said the one thing I was worried about with Spade - I’m keeping him from having a life just like I am my brother and my father who would have left my mom when Roman was eighteen if he had known I wasn’t his. But this woman is also a bully and running away or showing weakness to a bully does no one any good.

“What’s the matter Spade, love sick over Roman’s little sister. I mean you’ve always tried to do everything Whitley did, it seems only right you find the little sister of someone you know to fuck.”

Spade tenses beside me and I lay my hand on his arm and step in front of him slightly, so he doesn’t do anything stupid like hit her. Which is what she wants…to be the victim so everyone will feel sorry for her, and she can live with the fact she’s right about everyone else being so wrong.

“I feel really sorry for you. You keep looking for validation in men, but you don’t need a dick… you need a real friend.”

The woman steps back like I was the one who actually threw a punch.

“You go through life being mean to other women because inside you worry you will never be as good as they are, that you are missing something they have, and you’ll never find it. You could never have another woman as a friend because of all the jealousy inside of you. And one day… one day very soon, you’re going to be a sad, lonely, old, decrepit woman chasing after a dream that is never going to happen because everyone decent and kind is already going to be taken by all those other women you resent so much. Sad, old, and alone.” I tip my head to the side so I can take a closer look at the woman in front of me. “So sad.”