I know he’s not dating anyone at the moment but there could be someone he’s on-again-off-again with. And how am I going to take it if they go back to being on again? But I run out of excuses one Saturday and find myself dressed in one of his jerseys and leggings being introduced to all his teammates. For the most part, they are all very much like Spade - laid back, easygoing, and chill as long as you are a decent human being - the best kind of people.
Several of them hit on me in a friendly manner. I smile and take it for what it is…harmless flirting that means nothing. If I were to turn to them and actually act like I was down to go out with them I doubt any of them would keep going. I spend the entire game laughing and chatting with some of the other girls that show up. Some are girlfriends, others are sisters or girls who think the guys are hot. A couple of them are kind of obnoxious but most of them are totally cool and easy to talk to.
I find myself really getting into the game, yelling and cheering for Whit’s team. And when they win, we all rush to the bottom of the stands to congratulate them and wait for them to take their skates off. Some of the girls rush the guys and one of them is really…handsy with Whit. She’s…beautiful. Tall where I am short, well dressed in a sexy tight dress and her hair and makeup are perfect.
If I wore that I would have fallen on my ass in those heels, tore the dress within the first couple of minutes of having it on, and something would be smeared on my face whether it be my mascara or my lipstick and that’s if I could get it on without looking like a clown. Typically, I don’t compare myself to other women - that way lies cattiness that does no one any good. In order not to be the bitchy, obsessed, stalker girl I turn my attention to the guy who is trying to get my attention so he can flirt with me.
It comes as a total surprise when a large hand wraps around my arm and I am being yanked in front of the hot girl that seemed so taken with Whit. I am pulled in front of Whit just in time to hear the last part of her conversation.
“I could give you something no one else can. Something that can feed that growing appetite all big, strong, alpha men have.”
I have to fight down the urge to gag audibly.
“Whitely, you should let me take you hom… Who the hell are you?” She ends up pressing herself up against me instead of Whit.
“Have you met my girlfriend?”
Shock works its way through me but I try to hide it as I offer the woman a small smile. “Uh…hi, I’m…”
The woman interrupts me without even batting an eye, “This is NOT your girlfriend.”
Okay. “Hurtful but, okay,” I say it without really thinking about it. Maybe she saw my face when he announced it and that is why she said it and not because she thinks someone like me couldn’t have someone like Whit as a boyfriend.
“Why do you say that?” Whit tenses behind me when the woman says it. Something tells me he isn’t as cavalier as I am about this woman’s dismissal.
“This…,” she waves her hand up and down at me, “this child could never satisfy a man like you.”
Everyone seems to be listening and watching now, waiting to find out what will happen between the three of us.
“She’s…a baby. You need a woman who understands her way around a body like yours. Not someone who has only ever known her way around something as childish as a high school locker room or the backseat of her daddy’s car.”
My temper starts to rise - she did call me a child more than once - and before I can tamp it down my mouth runs away with me, “So am I a whore or am I not? Because I would think if I was in a locker room the last thing I would be was an innocent baby like you are suggesting. And as someone who has clearly been around…” the woman gasps but I keep going, “a lot of places men are found, I was just kind of wondering which one you are trying to make me out to be now.”
“You little…”
“I assure you…,” both me and the other woman grow quiet when we hear Whit start to talk in that even, authoritative voice, “Kat is my girlfriend, Maricia.”
“They even live together and everything.” Like an unasked-for hype man, Spade puts his two cents in.
It just causes everyone to gasp and turn to look at the three of us again. The handsy woman frowns hard and the look on her face is like someone who has sucked on a lemon too long.
“You know, frowning causes wrinkles in women your age.”
The woman is pissed when I say it like she can’t believe I would say the words out loud. She straightens herself up and narrows her eyes at us.
“I’m not buying it, sweetheart.” She looks behind me and I can’t tell which one of us she is calling sweetheart. “I would believe that you are gay before I bought that you would turn me down for…her.”
She squared her shoulders like she might be trying to push her chest out more. Another move I would never be able to make since my boobs are too big. I would throw my back out or put my eye out or something awful like that. I hear Whit behind me make a growling noise and automatically put my hand on his arm to calm him down.
“He’s mine! Believe it or don’t. Still doesn’t change the fact he’s going home with me.”
It’s not a lie at all. Even if he wanted to go off and fuck someone, he would still have to take me home where technically we live together since I came here with him. In his truck.
“If he belongs to you…prove it.”
Oh shit! How am I going to ‘prove it’? How would you even prove something like that…in front of people? Prove it. Like am I going to have to…go down on him in front of everyone? Because I don’t mind doing a favor for Whit and pretending to be his girlfriend so this woman will leave him alone but that is not something I am willing to do. I don’t plan to blow him, have sex with him, or get his name tattooed anywhere on me just to help my friend out.
And everyone is looking like they are about to get a show. Pervs. Well, so much for helping my guy out.