“She implied it,” I admit.
Now that I know it was just a kiss, I feel even worse for Shane that Crystal exploded on him. She’d threatened to tell every girl she met that he was a user.
That would rightly piss me off too. I don’t blame him for snapping. Same way I snapped at Percy today. When someone can’t see reason or refuses to hear you out, sometimes you end up losing it. I’m not excusing the behavior, but I understand it.
I return the phone without another word. Shane folds his arms against his chest. His biceps flex, drawing my gaze to his smooth, brown skin. I sort of like that he doesn’t have tattoos. The lack of ink only emphasizes every vein and muscle when he crosses his arms tighter.
“I’m waiting,” he says.
I grit my teeth. “I’m sorry.”
His lips tick up with humor. “For what?” he prompts.
“For jumping to conclusions and thinking you were a dick to Crystal. In my defense, you’re an obnoxious ass most of the time, so I assumed you were being consistent.”
“How is this a good apology?”
Ugh. Fine. I know when to be the bigger person when I need to be.
“I’m sorry. I think you handled that entire conversation nearly flawlessly.” Curiosity tugs at me. “Did you mean what you said to Crystal about not being over your ex?”
Discomfort puckers his brow. “It’s complicated.”
“That means yes.”
Shane shrugs, the fingers of one hand ambling along the shiny surface of the counter. This subject clearly makes him uneasy.
“We were together four years. That’s not something you can get over with the snap of your fingers.”
“Dude, it’s fine. You don’t have to justify why you’re still mooning over your ex.” I grab a tall plastic cup out of the dishwasher and walk back to the blender. “On that note, you can leave now. I have a margarita to drink and four episodes of Fling or Forever to catch up on.”
“Cool. Wanna order a pizza? I’ll grab some beer from my apartment.”
I stare at him. “I didn’t invite you.”
“Oh, I invited myself. Was that not clear?”
And that’s how Shane and I end up on my couch, with drinks in our hands and an open box of pepperoni pizza on the coffee table, while I give him the rundown on the current couples in the hacienda.
“So Leni is my favorite girl. But we hate Donovan. He’s not good enough for her. And Zoey and the Connor are my favorite couple at the moment.”
“The Connor?”
“I know. It’s obnoxious, but luckily, he doesn’t make her call him that. He’s a radio DJ in Nashville. Total frat-boy type. Very douchey.”
“What’s our girl Zoey doing with him, then?”
“I think it’s an opposites-attract situation.”
Shane reaches for another slice, chewing slowly as we watch the exchange unfolding on the screen. As always, I’m riveted.
“All I’m saying is, I would be open to it.” Zoey’s voice is soft but firm. “I’m not completely closed off.”
Connor is upset. He runs a hand through his dark curls, leaning forward on the edge of the daybed. “What the hell, Zoey? You’d seriously be cool if Ben picked you?”
“Who’s Ben?” demands Shane.
I pause the show to explain. “Ben’s the new guy. Every week, a new boy and girl arrive, and each one has to break up an existing couple.”