“Well, only one thing. His dick,” I say helpfully.
Will snorts out a laugh. “Yeah, I got that.”
“Anyway, stop deflecting. Why are we avoiding Beckett?”
He releases a heavy breath that piques my interest.
“Wait. Are you two…?” I raise a brow suggestively.
“You sure? Sometimes I get some bi vibes from him. Not from you, though.” I shrug. “Either way, I’m not judging.”
“Nah, it’s not like that.”
“What’s it like, then?”
Will bites his lip, visibly uncomfortable. But I can tell from his expression that he wants to talk about it.
“I won’t tell anyone,” I assure him. “Not even Gigi.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“I’m serious. I’m an excellent secret-keeper. Ask me what Brooke Sato did in Mexico last winter.”
“What did she do?”
“I’m not telling you. It’s a secret.”
That gets me another bark of laughter. “All right, you pass the first test.”
“I won’t breathe a word, I promise.”
Will runs both hands through his hair before rubbing the back of his neck. “Beckett and I have been doing this, uh, thing lately. Well, really, we’ve been doing it since we became friends.”
“What thing?”
“Like…” He offers an awkward shrug. “Threesomes.”
I attempt to keep an impartial face. “Okay…”
I may have already known, thanks to the rumor mill, AKA Gigi, that Will and Beck had hooked up with the same girl a few times. But that information was given to me in confidence, so I pretend this is the first I’m hearing of it.
“Threesomes can be fun,” I say neutrally.
“They’re hot,” he admits.
“Really hot.”
“Okay.” I keep my tone encouraging, hoping it will get him talking in more than two-word sentences. “Then what’s the problem?”
He responds with a frustrated groan. “The problem is, I’m not supposed to think they’re hot.”