“I don’t think I want to,” Beckett says frankly.
“It’s one of the secrets someone revealed on Fling or Forever last night,” Gia explains. “The craziest shit comes out during their drinking games.”
“Did you see they put that drinking game on the app?” Gia tells her friends, her expression shining with enthusiasm. I swear, women get excited about the wildest things.
“Really?” Lily is equally elated as she snatches her phone from the table between the loungers. She and Gia proceed to huddle over the screen happily.
“Okay, we have to play this,” Gia declares. “We can split into two teams like they do on FoF.”
Lily brightens. “Oooh, boys against girls.”
And that’s how the guys and I are coerced into playing a party game. It’s super simple. A command pops up on the screen, and the player who’s up has sixty seconds to complete the task, which is either a truth or a dare. If they do it successfully, they win the point. If they fail, the other team gets the point.
“So…we’re playing truth or dare,” Will says, amused.
“There’s no time limit in truth or dare.” Gia’s tone is haughty.
“You’re right,” Beckett says solemnly. “This is completely different.”
We’re seated around one of the tables, the girls on the opposite side of us. I’m surprised Dixon is allowing this. I half expected her to say something dramatic, like how she’d rather eat glass while bathing in a tub of spiders than play a party game with me. But there she is, sitting carelessly in her chair, blond hair swept over one shoulder, green eyes dancing.
Lily is up first. She stands and waits for Gia to flash the phone screen at her. The first command is written in big, bold letters, and the timer starts the moment it appears. Sixty seconds begin to count down.
“Easy,” she says, grinning as she yanks Beckett out of his chair. “Doggy-style.”
We’re all laughing as she bends over the table and Beck steps up behind her, hands clasping around her hips.
“Girl, you finished that in four seconds.” Gia sounds impressed.
Lily shrugs. “I know what I like.”
I snicker.
The app keeps score, and the girls’ team now has one point on us. I’m not worried about falling behind, seeing as how this game doesn’t require much effort or concentration. Most of the commands are similar to the first one. Act out something naughty. Reveal something sexy. Do something wild. Beckett is tasked with pouring whiskey over one of Gia’s ass cheeks and licking it off. Diana and Will have to jump into the pool fully clothed, the first one in getting the point. I win a point against Diana when I swallow a whiskey shot before she does, while she gags because apparently she can’t stomach the taste of whiskey.
Beckett then has to tell his best joke to our opponents and get at least one laugh for the point. His contribution is solid. “What do you call a pool boy that doesn’t fuck the lady of the house?”
“What?” Diana says warily.
“That’s not a joke! It’s a statement of fact!” Diana sputters, but Gia ruins it for the women by guffawing.
“Traitor,” Diana accuses her.
“It was funny,” protests Gia.
Lily’s next command pops up.
For the women, Lily and Gia both drink. For us, Beckett lifts his bottle to his lips. When Diana raises a brow at him, he simply winks. He’s got Lily on his lap now, while he runs a hand over her bare thigh. Still in nothing but her bikini, she claimed she was cold and required his body heat.
I note that Will didn’t drink. Which means he’s either lying or all his illicit extracurriculars with Beckett involve a hands-off approach.