I firmly shake my head. “No way. We tried last night, and it hurt you.”
“Just don’t be so vigorous this time.”
It’s true. I might have gotten a bit overexcited when I fingered her in this bed last night. I ended up jostling her side pretty hard, and her resulting pain forced us to stop.
“Pretend your fingers are gently stirring soup.”
I howl with laughter.
“Quiet,” Diana chides. “Otherwise, Marge will pop in and lecture us for being too loud. We already have one Niall in our lives. I can’t deal with a second one.”
“I still think we should set them up. Imagine the beautiful, silent life they’d lead.”
“Do we have to talk about this right now? I want to come,” she whines, twisting her head to kiss my neck.
I gently roll her onto her back. “Fine. I’ll pretend I’m stirring soup. But only if I can grind against your leg and come in my pants.”
“You’re so romantic. Stop being so romantic.”
I brush a kiss over her lips. “I’m obsessed with you, Dixon. I hope you know that. And not just because I’ve been sucked into your pussysand.”
“My pussy is powerful,” she agrees.
I bring my mouth to her neck and suck gently. She shivers in response.
“Wait, did you lock the door?”
“Shit, no. One second.”
I hop up to take care of it, and I’m walking back to the bed when Diana’s phone dings with an alert. She gasps the second she reads it.
“What’s wrong?” I ask, instantly on guard.
“I have devastating news. Brace yourself, Lindley.”
“I’m braced.”
“According to this, Zoey and the Connor broke up.”
My eyebrows fly up. “Wow. They only lasted, what, four months outside of the hacienda?”
“I know,” Diana moans. “It’s official. True love doesn’t exist.”
I lie down beside her and bring her hand to my lips, brushing a kiss on her knuckles. “You’re wrong,” I say, my voice thick with emotion. “It does.”
Thanks for the add!
Like we discussed in the meeting earlier, I think the Valentine’s Day party should DEFINITELY include a secret Valentine exchange. Also, my little sis is pretty crafty, so she can help out with any decorations, cards, etc etc.