Page 187 of The Dixon Rule

It’s the truth. Whether it’s a dance competition, training for nationals, taking the minutes in the HOA meeting… Diana lives her life to the fullest, no matter what she’s doing, no matter how mundane the activity. She’s smart and driven, and she gives a shit about the people in her life. Her family, her friends. Although her Saturdays are write-offs because of football games, she’s managed to attend all my Friday games. That’s right—Diana Dixon has already come to more of my hockey games than Lynsey did the entire time we were together. She went golfing with me simply because she knows I enjoy it.

“Our relationship was all about you,” I tell Lynsey. “I compromised on everything. Made sure all your needs were met. And you couldn’t even be bothered to feign interest in my sport.” I shake my head. “It wasn’t all bad—”

“Really?” she interrupts bitterly. “Because you’re making it sound like we had the worst relationship in the world. Why did you stay with me for four years, then, if I was so awful?”

“You weren’t awful. That’s not what I’m saying. We had a good relationship. Sometimes it was even great. But I’m starting to realize you broke up with me for a reason.”

“Maybe I made a mistake.”

“You didn’t,” I say simply. “We weren’t right for each other. I thought we were, at least in the sense that we were both ambitious and knew what we wanted from our future. The thing is, though, you didn’t want me in your future. That’s why you broke up with me. And I’m happy now with somebody else.”

The waitress returns with our drinks. But I’m already done here.

“Sorry, Lynz. I’ll always value what we had, and I’m happy to remain friends, if and when you’re ready for that. But…” I fish my wallet out of my pocket and pull out a twenty. “This should cover everything. Sorry. I can’t stay. My girlfriend’s waiting for me.”

I leave my ex in the pub and hurry outside. Standing on the sidewalk, I call Diana, but her phone immediately goes to voicemail. Yeah, she’s pissed.


I try Gigi next. Voicemail. Oh for two.

On the third call, I manage to get a response from Ryder.

“Hey, is my girlfriend with your wife? If so, can you put her on the phone?”

“They’re not here.”

A frown touches my lips. “What do you mean? Why not?”

“Diana didn’t want to go to Malone’s, so Gigi took her home. But me and the guys are here.”

“Shit, is she that mad?”

“Who, Diana? I don’t know. Gisele didn’t say anything.”

“All right, cool. Thanks.”

I head back to the arena and jog toward my Mercedes. I make the hour drive to Hastings, tapping my fingers on the steering wheel the entire time. I’m antsy and desperate to get out of the car. I want to see Diana and explain why I had to go see Lynsey. That I have no intention of getting back together with her. I know I’m going to take some shit, probably get yelled at for an extended period, but I’m hoping she’ll be able to see how sincere I am.

I get off the highway, bypassing downtown Hastings by taking the residential streets until I reach the cul-de-sac where Meadow Hill is located. I have to pass the main driveway on my way to the residence parking, and my spine stiffens when I notice the vehicle that’s leaving at the same time I enter.

It’s a police cruiser.



My real girlfriend

I BARREL THROUGH THE SYCAMORE LOBBY INTO THE BACK COURTYARD and race down the path toward our building. I gave Richard at the desk about three seconds to answer when I asked, “What’s up with the police car?”

All he managed to get out was “There was an incident with Diana and—” before I was sprinting to Red Birch.

I take the stairs two at a time. Even over my thundering footsteps and thudding pulse, I hear Niall’s muffled voice. “Walk quiet!”

I ignore him. At Diana’s door, I push on the handle, but it’s locked, so I start banging against the door.

“Dixon, let me in. Are you okay?”