I get out of the shower and towel off, then go to feed Skip. He death glares at me, and I death glare back. After his fat belly is full of diet food, I call Gigi and we spend the next hour talking about everything that happened. She’s upset I didn’t tell her about Percy and even more upset when I blubber on about how ashamed and mortified I felt. But she assures me, like my dad and Shane, that I didn’t do a damn thing to provoke this.
When we hang up, I find a text from my dad.
I filled your mother in. Told her you would reach out when you’re ready to talk. She said okay.
Hurt stabs into me at the glaring absence of my mom’s name on my notifications list. She knows what happened with Percy and didn’t even contact me? Yes, I said I’d reach out when I was ready, but she could’ve at least checked in. A one-line text would have sufficed. Listen, I know you don’t want to talk, but I’m here for you and I’m waiting.
But that’s not Mom’s style. She’s so unemotional. This entire situation probably makes her extremely uncomfortable.
I also find a message from Shane, asking if I’m doing okay. I type back a two-word answer.
Come over.
He’s in my apartment literally a minute later. Also showered and changed, clad in a T-shirt and sweatpants, his feet bare.
Those dark hazel eyes search my face. “Rough day, huh?”
“Understatement much?”
“Yeah, I know.” He pulls me onto the couch and wraps his arm around me. “Should we watch something?”
As Shane scrolls through the rows of titles on my movie channel, he looks over glumly. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I miss Fling or Forever.”
“Me too,” I moan.
“Do we really have to wait until May?”
“May? What kind of hope planet do you come from? The new season starts next July.”
“July? We don’t even get it in June?”
“It’s tragic. The fan base has been petitioning for two seasons. Some reality shows have a summer and winter season, but so far, TRN hasn’t caved. I don’t know if they have the budget.”
“What budget? It’s not like they do anything extravagant.”
“The hacienda is pretty extravagant. And that yacht where Zoey fucked the Connor for the first time must have cost a pretty penny to rent.”
“I guess.” He absently runs his fingers over my shoulder, scanning the film options. “Ugh. There’s nothing good here.”
I take the remote from him and turn off the TV. “Let’s go to bed.”
“It’s only nine. You’re tired?”
“I didn’t mean we would be sleeping.”
His lips curve. “Oh. Got it.”
“I just need…” I give him an earnest look. “I need some TLC. Can this be a me-night?”
“Baby, it’s always a you-night. Even when I’m calling the shots, it’s always about you. You’re the only one I care about in there.”
Oh hell. When he says things like that, it’s impossible to deny my feelings.