Page 155 of The Dixon Rule

I don’t know where to look. At Will, who’s jerking himself to release all over his abs? At Shane, who’s now shuddering as he spills himself inside me?

It takes forever for my heartbeat to regulate. I feel the muscles in Shane’s stomach relax as he gently withdraws from my body. He’s breathing hard. Eyes still devouring me.

“Doing okay there, Will?” he calls blithely.

“Fuck. Yeah.”

Chuckling, Shane tugs his sweatpants up and then cleans me with a soft paper towel, his touch tender. Without a word, he picks my shorts and underwear off the floor and puts them on me. My legs are wobbling as he helps me off the counter. My bare feet hit the floor.

Shane dips his head to plant a kiss on my lips. “I’m off,” he says, winking at me. “Night, Dixon.”

A strangled laugh sputters out. “Night, Lindley.”

He takes a few steps toward the entryway, then glances over his shoulder. “Night, Larsen.”




A WEEK INTO THE NEW SEMESTER, I RUN INTO SHANE’S EX-GIRLFRIEND on the tree-lined quad. I know Shane saw her already, but this is my first Lynsey encounter in the Briar wild.

As usual, her smile holds a trace of coldness. I don’t know if aloof is simply her default state or if it’s because I’m dating her ex.

Lynsey closes the distance between us, sauntering toward me in a pair of dark-blue skinny jeans and a black tank top with lace trim. Her hair is arranged in a tight bun. I swear, this woman is elegance personified. In comparison, I feel almost juvenile in my black-and-silver Briar cheerleading uniform.

“Diana, hey.”

“Hi.” I paste on a friendly smile. “How was your first week?”

“Overwhelming,” she admits. “This campus is a lot bigger than Liberty. I keep having to check my map.” She shows me her phone screen, which is open to a map of Briar.

“Where do you need to be?” This time my smile isn’t forced. I get it. I remember being a freshman here. I was late to every class for a solid week.

“The Greenley building. It’s supposed to be somewhere around here.”

“Come on, I’ll walk with you. I’m going in that direction.”

“Thanks. Do you have class?” she asks.

“Cheer practice. The sports facilities and gyms are on the way to Greenley.”

We fall into stride together, dodging a group of guys in Briar football jerseys. They’re fans, not players, and they all whistle at me as I pass in my pleated cheer skirt. I ignore them and keep walking.

“How’s it going with Shane?” Lynsey tips her head toward me. “He said you’re still seeing each other.”

“We are, yeah. And it’s going pretty great.”

More than great, in fact. Our friends-with-benefits arrangement has proven to be fruitful and resulted in some of the raunchiest sex I’ve ever had in my life. Like with Will watching us while Shane fucked me on the kitchen counter? Never thought that’s something I’d be doing.

“How’s Tyreek?” I ask her.

“He’s good.” Her tone is noncommittal.

I raise an eyebrow. “I sense some hesitation. Everything okay on that front?”

“I don’t know.” She shrugs. “BU is only an hour away, but it seems like anytime I ask him to come here, he convinces me to come up to Boston instead. It’s not super long distance, but he’ll have to come during the week because I’ve still got rehearsals.”