American Rhythm Solo
Please see the attached welcome package for important information.
Susan Hiram
Director of Operations
A WEEK AFTER MY VISIT WITH SHANE’S FAMILY, I HAVE MY FINAL DRESS fitting in Boston for Gigi’s wedding. Once we’re done, I go out for dinner with Gigi and her cousin Blake, another bridesmaid. Blake will be attending Briar next month, entering the freshman class, and I’m excited to have her around. Few people on this planet rival Blake Logan’s sarcasm.
Since I’m drowning in ad money thanks to Ride or Dance, I decide to splurge and take an Uber back to Hastings instead of riding the bus. I text Shane as I’m letting myself into the Sycamore. We made plans tonight to celebrate the most important news anyone has ever received in the history of all of human civilization.
NUABC, bitches! Here we come.
Almost home.
Are you wearing a dress?
It’s an odd inquiry and yet not odd at all coming from Shane.
Yes. Why?
Keep the dress on. Take the panties off. Leave your door unlocked.
Those three concise sentences send a thrill shooting through me. God. I didn’t realize how much I was into this. It’s common knowledge that I wear the pants in my relationships.
But I adore not wearing the pants in the bedroom.
Or the panties, apparently.
Like he asked, I leave my door unlocked. Shane walks in not long after I do. He’s shirtless and barefoot, a pair of worn jeans hanging low on his hips. He’s so disgustingly attractive that I can’t tear my gaze off him.
“Did you follow my instructions?” he asks, tipping his chin.
“Let me see.”
Lips curving, I teasingly lift the bottom of my dress to reveal I’m not wearing anything underneath.
“Good girl,” he praises.
He walks over to me, one hand curling around my waist, the other around the back of my neck as he bends down to kiss me. Our tongues meet, and as always, it sends an electric shock to my core. He cups my ass and lifts me up, and my legs wrap around him instinctively as we make out.