Page 53 of The Dixon Rule

“I have a motion,” I announce, sticking up my hand.

Brenda acknowledges me with a nod. “Yes?”

“Motion to ban all parties on the premises.”

“I second,” Niall says instantly.

“Absolutely not,” Veronika pipes up angrily.

“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I agree with Veronika,” says Elaine, a high-powered attorney at a law practice in Boston. “‘All parties’ is too broad a term. Let’s narrow down the scope. Does this include children’s birthday parties? What about the monthly community barbecues?”

Brenda bangs her gavel. “Diana’s motion is denied. No vote required.”

Shane beams at me.

“Worth a shot,” I say with a shrug.

“Speaking of the upcoming barbecue.” This comes from Carla. “I’d like to discuss the dietary requirements. My son cannot get within fifty feet of watermelon. He will die.”

Shane speaks, sounding curious. “Sorry, can we back up? When is this barbecue?”

Everyone immediately clams up.

Brenda ignores his question. “We can save any barbecue discussions for the group chat. Next item—”

“About this group chat,” Shane interrupts, focusing on Jackson. “You in the Bruins shirt—I’ll give you two tickets to their season opener if you add me to this thing. I think I was accidentally removed.”

I whip up my hand. “Motion to evict Shane Lindley from Meadow Hill for attempting to bribe a board member.”

“I second,” Priya chimes in. Because she’s always got my back.

“Motion denied,” Jackson harrumphs. “I would like those tickets.”

Shane gleefully pokes me in the side. “Ha.”

Brenda taps her gavel again. “Let’s tackle the most important item on the agenda. We need to decide on a pool cleaning company.”

“Yes,” I mumble under my breath. “Here we go.”

“I don’t understand the issue with the old cleaning company,” Veronika says shamelessly.

“Are you serious right now?” Priya asks her, twisting her head to glare at our resident cougar. “We’re all wasting our time with pool services because of you, and you’re going to waste it further?”

“Because of me?” Veronika questions with an exaggerated gasp. “But what did I do?”

Carla joins in on the attack. “You made poor Niall witness your indiscretion next to a urinal, of all places!”

“I still don’t see the issue.”

“Diana, can you please read the minutes from last meeting so we might remember what exactly transpired between Veronika and the pool boy? Since she is unclear as to why we have to hire a new one.” Brenda doesn’t bother to hide her exasperation.

I flip a page in my notebook and clear my throat.

“Well, Niall detailed that he walked into the men’s bathroom during our community barbecue to find Arvin, the pool boy, hoisting Veronika up between two urinals. She yelled out, and I’m quoting, ‘Clean up this dirty hoe like you clean up our pool.’”

This sends Shane over the edge. He bends toward me, his head practically glued to my arm as he shudders with silent laughter. His T-shirt-clad chest heaves while he tries to catch his breath. His response is contagious, and I have to swallow my own wave of hysterical giggles.

“Are you clear now, Veronika, on why it would be inappropriate to continue with our old pool company?” Brenda asks coolly.