Trace let out a long, slow exhale. “Shit. Any long-term effects?”
“There shouldn’t be,” Damian said. “But I told them to spare no expense in making sure.”
I wrung my hands together, my next words forming a logjam inside me. I didn’t know how to ask to go back there to see her, because there was no asking—there was only informing them that I would be going back there.
“Do you, uh…” I cleared my throat, deciding to start over. “Would I be able to…”
Damian smiled softly. “Would you like to go see her?”
I nodded.
“She asked about you. Seems like she’d like to see you too.” Damian led the way to the nurse’s desk, informed her of who I was, then I was buzzed in. Everything inside me was drawn tight as violin strings, waiting to lay eyes on Jordan.
Axel was sitting with an ankle over one knee in a chair beside her bed. I blinked, and then I was at Jordan’s side, my arms scooped around her slight body.
“I’m so fucking sorry, Jordan,” I murmured into her hair as she clung to me. “I’m so sorry. Please forgive me.”
“Don’t apologize.” Her voice was hoarse. She wrapped her arms around me tighter. “This wasn’t your fault. I swear.”
I took a few deep breaths with her in my arms, then I pulled back, brushing kisses across her forehead. “I’m so happy you’re okay.”
“I’m okay because you were there,” she said.
Axel cleared his throat. He’d seen all of that. There was no graceful exit after a display like that, and I didn’t care. I straightened, keeping Jordan’s hand in my own. If there was ever a time for them to find out, this was it.
“I’ll give you two some time,” he said, a hard glint in his eye. He narrowed his eyes at me before he stood, looking like he wanted to say more. Then he excused himself from the room, leaving Jordan and me alone.
“How do you feel?” I asked.
“Exhausted,” she said with a weak laugh.
“I heard they want to keep you here for another night.”
“Yeah. I guess because of the other drug they found in my system. I already forget the name.” She sighed, her gaze drifting off. “I’m so tired I could sleep the rest of the day.”
“Then do that. I’ll be here.”
“Seven, you should go home and actually sleep,” she said, admonishment in her tone despite her hoarseness. “My brothers told me you spent all night in the waiting room.”
“I’ll do it again.”
She laughed. “There’s no need.”
“Yes there is,” I insisted. “My beautiful brat might need me.”
She smiled so warmly I was ready to call the hospital chaplain and marry her on the spot.
“Do you remember anything that happened?” I asked softly, squeezing her hand.
She shook her head. “He gave up a lot of great information, but insisted I drink with him. It was the only way to move forward, so I was going to pretend to take a sip, but he knocked the glass, and I choked on it. Within fifteen minutes, I was passing out. That’s all I remember.”
I nodded, the image of his pasty white ass between her legs still seared through my mind. Now was not the time to get into all that.
“I take it you took care of Eli on your own?” Her gaze fastened on my knuckles.
“I did. He might sue me as a result, but I have no regrets.”
She laughed softly. “I wish I could see how you left him.”