My phone rings the moment I step out of class, and I think nothing of it until I answer the call, and a robotic male voice speaks to my ear.
Hello, Sheena.
The whole world vanishes for a single moment, and I'm left all alone with my fear.
He knows who I am.
A part of me expected this, but the knowledge still sucks all the hope out of me, and dragging air into my lungs suddenly becomes a chore. I look around me, but everything is a blur, and my heart feels like it's about to stop beating at any moment.
You knew this would happen sooner or later, Sheena.
You knew.
So deal with it.
Time marches on, and the numbness that's taken my limbs captive gradually recedes. I start breathing again, and with this, I regain the need to survive.
That's better.
This time, I feel like hyperventilating. I have a feeling I know why he's said those words.
You have more color in your face now.
And it's exactly what I feared.
The Devil is here, watching me, and I guess that means either my university was lying about having "top-notch" security...or their best simply isn't good enough to keep the Devil out.
Start walking to your next class.
Now is the worst time to draw attention to yourself.
Things like this aren't supposed to happen to someone like me, and the disguised element of his voice only makes things feel more surreal than they already are.
I'm an eighteen-year-old girl in my first year in college. My looks are as nondescript as my grades, and ever since the Devil made me quit my part-time job at the motel for safety reasons, school is the only thing I can write about in my planner.
I'm ordinary with a capital O, the kind that the meanest and most popular girls on campus wouldn't even waste time bullying. I'm the type of person you wouldn't even remember having classes with...and yet somehow, I'm the one who ends up in a phone call with a guy who's supposedly arranged countless unreported deaths of rapists, pedophiles, and murderers.
It can't get any more surreal than that, can it?
You look like you have something on your mind.
The sudden sound of the Devil's words nearly has me jumping out of my skin, but even though I'm tempted to lie, I chicken out at the last second.
"I'm worried about what you'd ask of me."
From the moment I answered his call, my mind feels like it's been spinning farther and farther away from sanity, and the robotic sound of his voice only has my mood creeping closer to the edge of hysteria.
Tell me, Sheena.
It's a struggle to even remember who I'm talking to when the Devil sounds no different from a male-voiced Alexa, but I wouldn't put past it him at all if this is all part of his plan.
What do you think I'll ask of you?