Page 62 of Mafia Wedding

"I doubt you do."

"There's no need to lie," I assure him. "I really do get that you see me—-"

"As my future wife?"

"As a potential threat—-" I say at the same time.

Uh. Wait. What?

I stare at him in confusion, and he laughs.

"You don't believe me?"

"I'm not even sure what to think at this point—-"

"I can help you there," he says easily. "Just think of me, and we're good."

No, I am not going to give him the satisfaction of seeing my lips crack even the slightest—-what the heck?

I tense up when he suddenly leans forward and clasps his hands over the lacquer table like what he's about to say will get heads rolling.

"Now that we know where we each stand, shall we get back to discussing your reasons for choosing this place?"

And I'm right. Even with how silky his tone are, the glint in his eyes tells me he means business, and I can't help thinking it's my own head that's destined to roll. It's obvious he's expecting me to reveal something profound—-

"Why this train ride?"

And I'm right again, darn it.

"I don't want to lie to you..." It's my first time to feel so humanly awkward as I speak, and I hate it.

"Then don't. Just tell me the real reason—-"

So, so, unbelievably awkward, but if it's the truth he really wants—-

"It's because I have work to do at West Palm Beach."


"And...I always take this train when going there?"

He stares at me, and it almost has me squirming in my seat.


But not just yet, although I'm also weirdly convinced that having this guy in my life also means it's only a matter of time before I experience some seat-squirming myself.

Another moment passes, and just when I've started to seriously consider lying about having another reason—-

"That's really all there is to it?"


"I can't say I'm not disappointed—-"

Is this the part he'll tell me I'm not human enough for him?

"—-since I was kinda hoping for something kinkier."