The wound seals. The only thing left on her abdomen is dried blood. The cuts on her limbs, forehead, and chest all close at the same time. When every wound disappears, the air thickens unbearably. There is no sound or movement as we stare at my bond.
We wait, and nothing changes. We wait longer, and still nothing changes. We continue waiting, the question in all of our minds shifting from will she live? to will she wake up?
Chapter Fifteen
The sun’s warmth seeps into my skin, blinding my eyes. I smile at the energy it gives to me. Though, it does feel muted. Oh well, I’m too happy to care.
How long have I been lying here? I don’t remember. Maybe I should go see if—no, who would be waiting for me? This is my world, and I enjoy the solitude.
Something urgent tugs at my mind; I push it away as I roll in the soft grass, giggling when the blades tickle my face. This seems like the perfect place for a nap. When was the last time I ate?
“Stop! Leave me alone!” I sound foolish—talking to myself—but the questions keep pounding into my head. I do not understand why they won’t go away! I just want to enjoy the warm day in peace.
Is it warm?
“You know what? Fine, I’ll prove it to you—” I touch the grass and freeze. Raising my hands toward the sun, my brows furrow at the lack of sensation. I can tell the warmth is there, but it’s not here. It’s the idea of warmth. Something intangible where I am.
Where am I?
I do not feel so happy anymore…there’s a sliver of dread burrowing in my throat. I should open my eyes. I don’t remember what this place looks like. But suddenly I’m afraid to. I shudder as the hairs along my neck rise. Someone is watching me.
Just as I snap my eyes open, the brightness of the sun flicks off. It takes a moment to adjust, but when my surroundings settle, I take in the familiar layout of my apartment. I’m sitting on my thin mattress, my legs tangled in the one blanket I have. The darkness seeping from the window does nothing to explain why I thought I was sitting under the sun just now. It was so bright.
Clearing my throat, I stand from the floor, groaning at the stiffness in every muscle. My feet drag as I walk to the sink, frowning when I see no clean glasses. Actually, there’s nothing in the cabinets at all? I’ll think about that later. Bending over the sink, I turn on the faucet to soothe the crackling ache in my throat. The plastic handle creaks when I spin it—it’s annoying, but it’s not the worst thing about this place.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” I groan when no water spills from the faucet. “Stupid, fucking, piece of shit landlord.” I’m so tired of paying rent for walls that rot further each day. This place is horrid enough, but now the water doesn’t even work? I’ll need to take a few dollars from my savings to go grab a bottle. I’m so parched, and my need for hydration is edging desperate.
I stomp over to the window, where I have a few scraps of clothing. Pulling on some leggings, I glance outside and pause. It’s a complete blackout—void of even the slightest flicker of light. Something deep in my soul tells me that’s not the city outside.
“Hello, Anellah.” I squeal at the distorted voice, spinning to see someone—something—standing near the front door. “We meet again.” I cringe at the sound; it’s as if a thousand people are talking at once. The thing in front of me feels…incomplete. It’s here in my apartment, but at the same time I don’t believe it is.
“Meet again? What are you?” I cannot see through the hood covering its face, but I feel it smile. Every cell in my body screams to run, but I can’t seem to move. The thing walks forward, and there’s no way to fully describe what it looks like. It’s the shape of a human, but the matter of the void outside my window. I have a sense that if I touched it, I would be lost within its grasp forever.
“Clever girl.” I really try not to cringe this time, but I can’t help it. It feels wrong. It doesn’t belong here. “Neither do you, Anellah.” My eyes shift to where I would think its face is, if it even has one. I must have spoken aloud. “You did not.”
“What the fuck? You can hear my thoughts?” It doesn’t move, but I feel it nod its head.
“We have not much time. You must choose.”
My body trembles. “Choose what? And you still haven—wait, I recognize your voice.” Where have I heard it before? A strong sensation tugs at my mind, and my hands cover my ears to stop the pressure. “Gods, what is going on?”
“Shh, Anellah. We have not much time.”
Shh, Anellah. I’ll see you soon. I remember it said that to me right before…right before I woke up. Where did I wake up?
This time, when the unyielding presence in my head tugs, I tug back. I remember everything that led me to this point, and I wrap my arms around my waist.
“I’m dead.”
“Almost,” it confirms, standing so still I’m not even sure it’s breathing.
“You were there…that day in Ceross. It was you that told me to wake up.” The scream…the distorted voice…the horror I felt being in its presence. I know in my bones this is the same thing that helped me that day.
“I do not like to interfere. However, you were being particularly difficult, and it was time for you to leave.”
“Why are you here now, then?” I feel its head tilt to the side, soulless eyes watching me closely.