My thoughts halt as the captain walks over the mat, right in my direction. I cover my mouth with a hand, staring up at his towering figure. He looks preternatural. He’s a predator stalking his prey—needing to claim what is his.
That will happen sooner than he thinks, because he takes another step forward and catches my hip, stumbling his way onto the mat. I could immediately reveal myself, but I want to see what he does.
Pushing himself up to his knees, a feral smile claims his features. “I think I found our little bird, my prince.” Cas’s head whips around and he stalks over, stopping just next to me when Em holds up a hand. They both look down at me; I know they cannot see my trembling body, but it feels like they’re peering right into my soul.
My stomach flips nonstop as I wait for their attack. Not one more moment passes before they’re both lunging for me, eventually grasping my arms and holding them above my head. I go into a fit of giggles and release my magic. I laugh harder at their unwavering stares, my nerves tingling so much that it feels like I’m being tickled.
After a minute, I sigh heavily and look between my delicious males. “I really thought I’d be here all night with how slow you two are!”
“That was very naughty, princess,” Cas purrs, biting his lip as he runs a finger down my exposed abdomen. “You’ve earned yourself quite the punishment.”
I can’t stop the smile. “As excited as I am to see what punishment you’re planning, I’ll have you know that you deserved everything I did at dinner.”
“While that may be true, love, all actions have consequences…whether they’re payback or not.”
“And what consequences am I to face?”
Emrys looks up to Casmir, and they share a silent conversation. They both get sinful looks in their eyes, causing prickling heat to slide over my neck and cheeks when they focus on me once more. I have a feeling that I should be afraid of whatever they just agreed on.
Before I can pry them for answers, my pants and panties are ripped off with Cas’s air. I gasp at the action, my heart beating out of my chest. He picks me up and forces me to straddle him, not bothering to say anything. He grips the neck of my shirt, easily tearing through the fabric before tossing it to the side.
Neither of them are holding me down as they adjust themselves—but I stay. I’m too intrigued by what they’re doing to protest. As the prince pulls his shirt off, revealing the addicting lines on his chest, I’m pulled from his lap. For a moment I think Emrys is having me sit in his, but am completely shocked when the wet heat of his mouth sucks in my core as he places my knees on either side of his head.
“Oh!” I jerk forward, leaning against his chest for support. This is…new. He wastes no time easing me into the sensations before he fucks me hard with his tongue. The stubble on his jaw runs across my clit, and my mouth drops open, immediately on the edge of coming. “Fuck, that feels so good,” I say breathlessly.
I adjust my knees to hold more of my weight, worried that he’ll suffocate with his nose lightly thrusting into my pussy. But clearly the captain needs no air to live because he growls deeply, grabbing my waist hard before yanking me down until only his face supports me. I cry out, my eyes rolling at the intense pressure.
“You better ride his face, princess. You’re going to need it.” I’m too out of focus to ask what he means. I look up at the prince, another wave of arousal forming when I see him pull Em’s cock out before immediately shoving it to the back of his throat.
“Holy fuck.” The sight of Casmir sucking Emrys with raw pleasure written across his face has me grinding into the captain. Em’s answering groan and tightening grip sends vibrations through my core that shove me right over the edge. I moan loudly as the waves pulse through me and attempt to rise from Em’s face, but his hold doesn’t waver. Surely he needs to breathe by now?
I get my answer when he mutters something into my sensitive flesh that sounds a lot like "another." I have no complaints as he continues to suck me feverishly. I lean forward to wrap my hands around his neck, allowing me to control him better. I gyrate my hips, not worrying about my grip over Em’s windpipe as he doesn’t seem to want air, anyway.
My eyes spring open when something grabs my hair and pulls my head back. Cas stands above me, nodding pointedly to his dick. The second I open my mouth, he plunges in as far as he can go and begins fucking me hard. Tears quickly form and wet my cheeks, the movement of our slick skin creating positively depraved sounds in the otherwise silent room.
“That’s it, Nell. Get it nice and wet,” Cas groans, watching me intensely as he bruises my throat. His praise shoots straight to my clit, and a second orgasm works its way through my body. As soon as I start to relax, Casmir pulls out and reaches to set me on his lap once more, sheathing himself fully inside my pussy. My mouth is going to be permanently stuck open like this if they keep up this exquisite torture.
“If your idea of punishment is to fuck me roughly, I hate to tell you that I fucking love it.” He pounds into me hard, loud slapping filling my ears. My forehead rests against his, our heavy breathing combining in the little space between our lips.
He chuckles, not letting up in his movements. “This isn’t your punishment, princess. It's the preparation.” At that moment, another body surrounds my own, making the heated skin of my back even warmer. Emrys pushes my damp hair to the side and sucks on my neck. My eyes flutter as I clench around Cas.
“Well, I’m also sorry to tell you that I fucking love being filled with you both at the same time. It’s not anything we haven’t done before, and I know damn well it won’t be a punishment.” The prince begins sucking the other side of my neck and I moan deeply. This feels too good.
I feel Em’s chest bounce against my shoulders. “Oh no, love. We have most certainly not done this before.” The need to understand his meaning melts away when Cas angles himself just right, and my head falls back to Emrys.
“One more and she’s ready,” the prince announces. I don’t know what the fuck he’s talking about, but I’ll be ready for anything if he just keeps fucking me like this.
Gods, I’m so close.
Em reaches around to circle my clit, sending me into oblivion once again. A shuddering moan leaves my throat, and I feel the give of Cas's skin breaking from my tight grip. When my vision returns and the surroundings start coming back, I immediately tense at the pressure against my inner walls.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Both males smile but say nothing. They better not be doing what I think. But the inching of Emrys’s cock alongside Casmir’s answers that. “There’s no fucking way I can handle this!”
“Sure you can, princess. It wouldn’t be a punishment if you immediately liked it,” his rough voice coats my skin. “It may be difficult at first, but you’re going to come so fucking hard once we’re both in.” Em slides in further, a deep, burning sensation pulsing through my core. I instinctively wrap my arms around my prince’s neck, needing the support. I can’t believe they’re doing this.
I can’t believe I want them to.
“Fuck, Em, your piercings really do feel so good,” Cas groans, massaging my hips.