I blinked. Whoa. I was obviously starting to feel the no-sex thing a little too much now.
Skylar: Good on the coffee, still three-quarters full. And, yes, the sugary option. But you don’t need to do the food thing. XOXO.
Bastian: So you didn’t come in here, just get a coffee because you didn’t want to wait any longer amongst the crowds, and just retreat to that one quiet, low traffic spot in the place as fast as you could?
Skylar: I knew telling you about that would bite me in the ass.
Bastian: On the contrary, it allowed me to be prepared.
I saw him grinning as he looked out behind the counter as one of the staff members left the area carrying a salad container. They were navigating toward me in the next moment.
“Enjoy,” they said simply, placing it down on my table with a smile, then walking away without any further preamble.
I was full-on grinning as I stared at the salad he’d mentioned.
Skylar: How did you do that?
Bastian: I have my ways. You need anything else, beautiful?
Skylar: This is already amazing. Thank you. *Heart emoji*
Bastian: Glad to see you’re working in your sketchbook.
Skylar: Frustrated with the readings.
Bastian: Want help later? Got a group meeting right now. That rowdy table in the center there? That’s them. Big project and all. Gonna be at it for an hour, then I can give you a hand.
Skylar: A hand, huh?
Bastian: Yeah.
He wasn’t getting it.
Skylar: I meant, where will you give me that hand? And slow and sensual, or rough and hard as all fuck?
Bastian: Nice try, dirty girl.
Skylar: That wasn’t a real try. Give me some credit.
Bastian: Watch out. Incoming.
I looked up suddenly to see Damien Thorn with his eye on me, pushing through the crowds in his usual abrasive way, and headed straight for me.
Bastian: I’m intercepting.
Skylar: No. I’m fine. Get your coffee and head to your group. It’s probably just about the fight he wants to set up.
Bastian: Told him to go through me.
Skylar: He probably didn’t feel like he could.
Bastian: Careful, don’t fall into the sympathy-for-the-devil trap when it comes to him. He’s dangerous.
Skylar: I’ll be careful, I promise. You come over here again and you know people won’t just chalk it up to you talking to me because of that big fight like last time. It’ll end up screwing you over.
Bastian: I’m worried about it screwing you over by being with me.