Page 10 of Wreck Me

It had me doing the only thing I could in the moment.

I turned around and ran.



I paced my room, surprised I hadn’t burned a hole into the carpet yet, considering how hard and how long I’d been going at it.

Today hadn’t exactly gone to plan.

I’d had a run-in the first moment I’d arrived at Luxe. And then I’d gotten on the radars of both Thorn brothers and Caleb Rowland as well.

With Sebastian invoking that name, though, it had become clear that I’d been on their radar before I’d even stepped foot on campus.

Calling off their dog and being pleasant and accommodating had been a ploy.

They wanted to use me for something.

No. Not me. That other me who I’d left behind.

Whatever their intentions, I couldn’t entertain it, I couldn’t let anything pull me back in.

Onyx was dead.

I hadn’t gone to all the trouble and complications of uprooting my life in order to leave it behind just to be dragged right back into it.

Fortunately, after that first class had been unceremoniously cancelled, the rest on my schedule had proceeded as planned.

And I hadn’t faced another run-in with any of the guys either.

That wasn’t to say that Sebastian hadn’t been there, his eyes trying to bore a hole in the back of my head through a couple of classes.

He’d been telling the truth about us being in the same program. He was an Architecture major too. That made sense, given who his mom was. Valerie Thorn who headed Rossun Real Estate. She was a tycoon, just like my mom, the two of them rivals and often bidding on the same tenders.

Fortunately, stares I could handle.

As long as that remained the extent of it, anyway.

It still meant that I had to take precautions, though.

I needed to know what I was dealing with.

But that would be as far as I went.

I mean, shit, it was already impacting my schooling. I was supposed to be reviewing the material from today’s classes and then analyzing a case study, as well as getting ahead with the readings we’d already been assigned.

And, instead, here I was delving into this bullshit.

A notification finally pinged from my laptop, and I stopped pacing and bolted across my room to it.

The program had finished.

I took in all the information it had pulled up.

So fucking much.

Jeez. This was going to take ages to sort through.