Her eyes rolled back in her head as my words took her hostage, holding her to me.
She even turned into my touch, her cheek rubbing against my palm.
Her fingers tightened in mine around my cock, the harshness combined with the warmth of her touch making me thicken against her and sending delectable sparks of pleasure through me.
Ah, fuck.
Now I saw what had gotten to Bastian.
It wasn’t just attractiveness. Although, she was beyond that. Fucking gorgeous. And her tight little body with those big, perky breasts were a treat to behold.
It was more than a regular sort of allure too.
It was mesmerizing and enchanting—in a really fucked-up way. Right up all our alleys.
She’d tasted the dark and that was what I was feeling from her. As the one who wrestled with that the most but also craved it the most, I was most susceptible to it too. It tasted so damn good and it made the prospect of tasting it through her fucking glorious.
Bastian, though, he wasn’t the same as me when it came to that, so he’d been drawn to something else in her, likely how she would’ve fought back over his provocations and given hell right back to him, challenging his attempted dominance and meeting it with her own. That hellfire of his when he was riled up had met its match in hers, and he was obviously loving it.
She released me all of a sudden and stepped back, the spell breaking—somewhat.
Panting, her hands shaking, she shoved them through her hair. “You saw the results of that for me last night. It wasn’t pretty.”
“Beg to differ.”
She shook her head. “I lost control. I went there to vent, but it turned into a whole lot more.”
“I’d argue that you went there for a lot more than that. To reclaim your power, for instance. To reconnect with who you really are.”
“Don’t,” she said, taking another step back.
“Repressing and denying it is why you lost complete control.”
“No, it’s because I let it out.”
“After shoving it down for so long. You need to embrace it, then it won’t get to that point.”
Her gaze zoned in on my silver chain and recognition shone as she took in the angel wings enveloping a heart with a red gem near its center. She was obviously making the connection to Bastian’s. While his was a blue gem, representing the peace that he was amongst our trio as Rein, mine was red indicative of the passion I brought with me, especially into our covert activities. Often passionate fury, which lent its weight to my whole Wrath persona.
She looked away, not speaking to it, and blew out a breath, then slumped down onto the foot of the bed. “Is that what you do?”
“Yes.” Although that had been in a stalled state lately. “You need to give it an outlet.”
“And you can walk the line doing that?”
“I can.” I said, strolling to her. “And I can teach you.”
“Maybe,” she murmured.
I sat down beside her. “The repressing route clearly isn’t working, right? It’s just causing you pain and the violent, uncontrolled explosion that was last night.”
“I was provoked. Over and over. Sebastian was partly responsible for that. I doubt he did it alone either, given how close you are. He was under orders, or at least, you were also a part of it. Likely, your best buddy, Caspian King too.”
Hmm. She was certainly astute.
“I can get you to a place where you won’t be susceptible to provocation. We just needed you to see that you weren’t currently, to acknowledge it.”
“Then tell me why. Why did you need to confirm that? What do you want that version of me for? Onyx?”