Page 52 of Wreck Me

I squeezed my eyes shut, then took a harsh drag of my smoke, trying to quell those memories before they surged up and took me hostage again.

It had already been happening far too often lately.

Because of this fucking hiatus.

When we were immersed in that, when I became darkness, it was a barrier to all the rest.

Even trying to crack that brothel shit hadn’t been enough to quell it. But at least it was something. The rest, the normalcy, attending Luxe… it wasn’t meshing well with me.

Cas thought I needed to give it more time, so I was.

For him. Because he’d asked it of me.

I just didn’t know how much longer I could keep it up and stay in that lane if we didn’t resume our nightly activities soon.

Well, at least last night had helped a bit, taken some of the edge off when I’d gotten to watch Skylar rip into that motherfucker like a merciless beast.

It had stirred something in me, and not just through partially satiating my need for violence and punishment upon the guilty. Seeing her unleash like that, so raw and free, owning that darkness, it had made my cock rock fucking hard. And that rarely happened when it came to women. The last time had been when Cas and I had been in our senior year of high school with my high school sweetheart, Rachel. It had been short-lived. I’d even tried to keep it going by bringing Cas in on it, sharing her with him, because there’d been something missing. It hadn’t been satisfying enough and my disinterest there had grown. After I’d brought Cas in, I’d ended up breaking up with her and just keeping it to him and me. Since then we’d been on-and-off. Right now we were on, so me having a reaction to Skylar was interesting, to say the least.

I didn’t fully understand it yet.

And I wouldn’t until I spent some more time with her.

Fortunately, that would be happening sooner rather than later now after last night.

After Bastian’s reactions.

I’d had to hold him at bay several times.

That never happened.

And it was all because of her.

After we’d pulled her out of that ring when we’d noticed Vicars’ friends and supporters fighting their way in to come at her for almost killing their boy, the intention had been for Bastian to talk her down. He’d been developing a connection with her, so it stood to reason that he’d been the best bet to be able to get through to her in her rabid state.

As much as I enjoyed that state—especially on her, apparently—it hadn’t been conducive to us extracting her from the situation.

While I’d dealt with Damien, who’d been all for her taking on a second fighter and keeping the night going, Bastian had been left alone with her in that bathroom.

After I’d managed to get rid of the unhinged brother, I’d gone to give Bastian the word that the way was clear, when I’d been pulled up short by the sounds of snarling, screaming, thuds, and flesh slapping. Him fucking her. Or, her fucking him, as might have been more accurate.

While using that to calm her down wasn’t the worst idea, it was the fact that it hadn’t been the plan, that he’d deviated from it. I’d brought a sedative with me, the intent to put Damien out, because his interactions via those texts had been moving toward unhinged. It wouldn’t be the first time we’d had to employ that with him.

But then it had turned out that Skylar had been the one needing it.

So, I’d handed the syringe to Bastian.

Instead of using it, he’d had her all over him in that state.

He’d reveled in her unleashing her animal side on him. He’d surrounded himself with it, succumbed to it even, judging by what I’d heard.

“Yeah, there’s my savage thing, fucking back on my fingers in her tight little ass. Swallow them like my filthy little whore. Mmm… fuck.”

His growled words to her were burned into my brain.

He’d gotten so fucking caught up in it.
