Like ice in my veins.
I sucked in a breath, then spun around toward what I was sensing.
And there, in the far corner of the kitchen, in the darkest part of the space, I saw a figure shrouded in blackness.
“Nicely done, sugar. And here I thought you’d lost that edge.”
“Jett,” I choked.
He stepped from the concealment, into the middle of the room, stopping just before the breakfast bar, the marble counter the only thing between us.
My eyes darted to the security monitor on the wall.
“Ah, wondering how I bypassed the ace security system encompassing this place? Let’s just say that King has got some sweet tech. I might’ve swung by one of his warehouses on my way here. I needed to throw him off for a bit, divert his attention and resources, so I could see my girl.”
Oh my God. “Not your girl.”
“After all this effort I’ve gone to, what I’m risking here?”
“Wasted effort. Get the hell out.”
“Just like that?”
“Just like that.”
He frowned. “You’re prepared to let me walk? No violence? No revenge for my perceived slights?”
Perceived slights? He was beyond delusional.
And that just made him all the more dangerous.
Not only couldn’t you reason with crazy, but you also couldn’t predict it either.
I glared at him, seething, “Get. The. Fuck. Out.”
“Let me guess, King forbade you from coming at me?”
When I merely continued glaring, he went on, “Damn, never thought anybody would be able to tame you, sugar. Not even King. Figured even Elijah didn’t have a shot either, and that’s saying something.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” As usual.
“Yeah?” he said, inching around the counter, making me tense. “You know what I do know?”
“What?” I ground out.
“I know that I’m not leaving here without you. Now, the way that happens is up to you. I can be a real gentleman about it. I mean, at first. Then I’ll take you back to my place, punish you for all your transgressions—fucking King, Thorn, and Rowland being major ones—and then we can start with a clean slate, you and me against the world. Or I’ll have to take much more drastic measures, which I guarantee you won’t like.”
“Your threats mean as much to me as you do, Jett. Fucking nothing,” I spat.
He sneered. “Remember, you asked for this.” I watched as he tapped his earpiece, then barked down the line, “Plan B is a go.”
“What was that?” I demanded.
“You’ll find out soon enough. Although, it does mean we need to relocate.”
“How are you not hearing this? I’m not going anywhere with you. Ever. Under any circumstances in this life or the next, or the next after that.”
My phone buzzed in the back pocket of my black jeans.