So then, Cas focused right on me.
And right away I saw the accusation there.
He knew my work.
He knew it was me who’d put those motherfuckers down.
To say he wasn’t pleased was a major understatement.
“Fall back,” he told his guys. “Get our doc in here ASAP for Bastian, then call in the cleaners.”
They nodded at once, then headed out to do his bidding.
Cas strode up to me and Bastian. “What you did out there… fuck, it crossed a major line.”
Yeah, it had.
It really had.
I hadn’t been able to stop.
I’d wanted their pain, their blood, their screams.
I’d wanted their lives.
It had gone way too far and I’d relished it so much more than I ever had before.
I’d let the dark take me all the way.
Even now, I could feel it.
It had its claws in me deep.
And the worst part was, I wasn’t sure I wanted to fight it.
Fortunately, his phone rang, taking his attention. He took the call. “Luke? Yes, we have Bastian and—what? When? What’s the damage? Fuck. All right, secure the areas and commence damage control protocol. And tell the team to move faster—find the motherfucker! Fucking well find him!”
“What’s happened?” I asked as he hung up and fisted his free hand.
“Three of my holdings have been hit in quick succession.”
“Shit, Cas,” I breathed. “You think it’s Jett?”
He nodded. “The timing is too coincidental.”
“It’s a distraction—all of it, including taking Bastian and directing a shitload of your resources and attention to tracking him down,” I reasoned. “Shit, he’s using it as a smokescreen.”
Cas pulled at his hair in distress. “Jett is in the city.”
I wasn’t accustomed to this.
Being on the sidelines.
Sitting out the fight.