“Why? You were right. All those times I’d tied your hands when it came to him, begging you to spare him even though he didn’t fucking deserve it, just because he’s my brother, because I didn’t want my mom to have another family member taken from her… it was a mistake. He keeps coming at me, Cas! He won’t stop! He won’t! I can’t… I can’t do this anymore. I fucking can’t! He deserves this! You know he does!”
“You’re not thinking clearly. You’re highly emotional. And your slips lately are likely fueling all this intensity. Skylar too. All of this can be fixed, sweetheart. I promise you, I’ll do everything in my power to make things better for you.”
“You can’t promise that anymore! Everything’s ruined! It’s all falling apart, Cas!”
“Bastian, you do this and you’ll be the one who suffers, not him.”
I snarled, then relinquished the blade.
“Fuck this! Fuck all of this!” I yelled.
And then I ran.
I heard Cas calling out after me, but I paid it no mind.
I just kept going.
That hadn’t worked.
Delivering punishment to Damien had barely scratched the surface of all the rage and pain ripping through every part of me.
I couldn’t quell it.
I just… couldn’t.
There was only one solution now.
And that was where I was speeding down out of the city toward.
My old supplier outside Rossun, one even Cas didn’t know about.
He’d made sure to cut me off from all the others I’d had inside the city back in the day, so all those were useless for me now.
But this guy, he’d get me what I needed.
And then I could calm down, then I could feel some peace.
I passed the border and zoomed right by, even pushing the limit of my car in the process.
I didn’t fucking care.
Nothing else mattered but getting what I needed.
Than stopping all these unruly emotions trying to break me into fucking pieces.
I couldn’t think, I couldn’t focus, I could hardly fucking breathe like this.
My phone buzzed on the dash and I looked to see a text that sent a jolt through me. Another followed, and I looked to see a Group Text had been opened up.
Skylar: Can we meet?
Caleb: Sure thing, darling. Where and when? Miss you.
Caspian: Bastian is AWOL.
Caleb: Where?