As soon as he saw me—or more like my furious demeanor—he jumped to his feet and rounded the coffee table between them.
“Seb, what are you—”
I slammed my fist into his face.
His head snapped to the side and he stumbled, the coffee table screeching on the hardwood floor as the ugly cast-iron thing shifted at the impact.
“Sebastian!” my mom screeched.
Damien smirked at me out of her eyeline with his back to her, as he wiped a trail of blood out of the corner of his mouth with his shirt sleeve. “I was just trying to help you out, little brother. All that secrecy was causing you so much heartache.”
Piece of shit!
I lunged at him, driving him into the couch he’d been sitting on.
My fists flew, smashing into his face, his throat, his chest, his gut, making him grunt and groan. I was a whirlwind of fury unleashing all over him, blood covering my fists in moments.
It wasn’t enough.
Nowhere close.
I heard my mom screaming at me to stop, even threatening to call the cops.
On her own son.
That was about right… when it came to me, anyway.
Damien managed to snag one of my wrists, then he used his weight to jerk me to the side, interrupting my onslaught. In the next, he was kicking me back.
I stumbled into one of the expensive vases on display and it toppled, shattering all over me, making me hiss and shards of ceramic bit into my face and neck.
Damien was there in the next second, standing over me, then wrenching me up by the sides of my jacket.
He leaned in and whispered, “I know you had that bitch of yours replace me. Did you really think that would go unpunished? I warned you not to cut me out!”
Snarling, I grabbed his hands on me, then used them as leverage to slam my head into his.
He cursed and lost his grip, staggering back, clutching his head.
“Baby boy!” my mom cried.
Sickening shit.
I spun into a roundhouse kick that sent him careening across the room into the wall beside the bay window.
I stormed over there and drew one of my blades.
His eyes went wide as I approached, and he held up his hand. “Seb, wait, I—”
A roar tore from me and then I was in his space, wrapping my hand around his throat and restricting his airflow so much so that he was wheezing in moments. “All the shit that you’ve done and you’re still standing! How many times have you ruined my life? How many times have you come at me? No matter what, you keep coming, keep destroying any good that I manage to find! You won’t stop! You’ll never fucking stop unless I make you!”
I brought the blade down.
But then a hand shot out, stopping the descent.
I turned to see Cas standing there, holding my wrist steady.
“Get control,” he said calmly.