Time to face what you’ve created.
Commotion coming from downstairs drew my attention and pulled me from my dark thoughts.
I walked to my bedroom door and opened it, focusing on what sounded like an argument taking place by the front door.
My mom was blasting somebody.
I frowned, listening in.
“Get off my property, or things will become unpleasant very quickly, Vivian.”
Vivian? Bastian’s mom was here?
“I came here to pass the same message along to you, regarding your daughter’s association with my son.”
“Her association with your son has torn her life apart and made a mockery out of her. If you’ve come here for anything, it should be to apologize.”
“You already took my husband, I won’t let your daughter take my son.”
I sucked in an unsteady breath. What the hell did that mean?
“That was years ago and apologies were made. There’s nothing else I can do. I can’t change what happened, Vivian.”
“You’re right, you can’t. The least you can do after fucking MY husband is to keep your slut of a daughter away from my son.”
“How dare you? My daughter has more grace and more character and principles than your entire family put together. She doesn’t deserve any of this, to be dragged through the mud, to be tarred as some sort of harlot just for following her passions and her truth.”
I started. Had those words really come from my mom? I couldn’t actually believe it. I’d thought she’d been disgusted by me. And before that, she’d been so disappointed in my decision to pull out of Luxe.
“Now, keep that sociopathic son of yours away from my daughter. I’m talking about Damien. We know he was responsible for this.”
“He was not. What are you talking about?”
“Take the rose-colored glasses off when it comes to him. It will do us all a favor, especially your youngest. He’s suffered enough for your favoritism when it comes to Damien. This is just the latest in a long line of attacks you’ve allowed to be made against Sebastian. You’re losing him and if you don’t reel in your eldest, that will become permanent. Now get off my property.”
The door slammed in the next moment, the force of it rattling the house.
I rushed to the top of the stairs as my mom was turning from the door and shaking her head to herself.
Her head jerked up to see me standing there.
“I… I didn’t know you were there.”
I walked down the stairs and into the entryway, stopping just a few feet from her.
We stared at each other for a moment, neither of us saying a word.
“You defended me, Mom.”
“Of course. You’re my daughter. Why would you think I’d do anything less?”
“You were disgusted by me.”
Her eyes shot wide. “What? No.”
“Mom, it was all over you.”