The alcohol had clearly been a mistake. And I had been nauseous for real the morning after too. In fact, I’d spent a good ten minutes chucking my guts up right after I’d woken up. Plus, that shit made me agitated. It did subdue me somewhat, but the rest that came with it offset even that slightly positive aspect. I just hadn’t thought I’d actually find these types of meds within easy reach.
I opened the cap, then popped two, swallowing them down dry.
I went to put it back beside the many other bottles inside.
What if I needed more beyond today? What about attending the convention? Two antagonistic elements in Damien and my mom would be there. Plus, all this shit with Jett was likely gonna get going really soon too.
Just until you can recalibrate all this feeling-again shit.
I pulled my wallet out of the back pocket of my jeans, then took a few from each bottle—including some tranqs in there—filling up the change pouch, then zipping it closed.
I put everything back, secured my wallet back in my jeans, then washed my hands and headed on out of the bathroom.
I made my way into the den to find Sky lounging back on one of the Barcaloungers, while destroying Caleb’s character on screen, while he jumped up and down on the black leather couch freaking out and stabbing at his controller, pressing all the wrong buttons and making his character bounce on the spot instead of fighting and shooting.
“Are you trying to dance with me?” Sky laughed.
“I’m trying to defend myself!”
“Well, you’re being a little bitch about it.”
“Ouch!” he cried, slapping a hand to his heart. “You wound me, darling.”
“Aww, you want me to come and kiss it better?”
“Hell, yeah. But actually, it hurts here,” he said, slapping his hand to his dick through his gray jeans.
Sky looked away from the screen to see him now making an obscene thrusting gesture while grabbing his dick.
She burst out laughing.
As she did, losing concentration, Caleb managed to get in a hit to her character. “Ha! Distraction tactics worked!”
“That’s it,” she said, pushing to the edge of the chair and getting all intense and serious about it. “Prepare to meet your maker.”
A hand landed on my shoulder and I turned to see Cas now there and looking at the two of them with amusement. “Good call with the gaming. It worked.”
Yeah, since Sky’s awful revelations earlier, she’d been quiet and withdrawn for several hours. She’d been engaging with us and talking as Cas had been on his mission to get to know her in person, beyond his wealth of research on her, but it had been very subdued on her end, not like her at all. And then she’d kept staring off into space in a deeply pensive state, likely going back to those twisted memories she’d brought to the surface earlier.
So I’d led us all in here and fired up the entertainment unit.
It had taken a half hour or so, but then she’d gotten caught up in it and her spark had come back.
“Yeah,” I said. “She just needed something that connects her to her power. Something she’s got a hell of an edge with and a ton of confidence about. And, you know, obviously some fun to lighten all the rest.”
Sky cried out and then slammed her controller down, yelling at Cal, “Now that was a real little bitch move! So fucking underhanded!”
Caleb laughed and jumped down from the couch and thrust his hips, grabbing his cock again. “Come suck it.”
With a growl, Sky launched herself at him, tackling him across the waist and knocking him back onto the couch.
The two of them were wrestling then.
Sky pinched his nipple through his shirt, then dug her nails into his side.
“Careful,” he said, laughing his head off. “Pain gets me off, remember?”
Cas put his fingers in his mouth and whistled sharply.