Page 142 of Wreck Me

“You shouldn’t be,” King said, typing away, focused on his phone. “You don’t belong there. At least not in the capacity you’d be going there under.” He looked up and eyed me. “Maria will no doubt use it as an opportunity to connect you with key figures, pushing you further down a path you don’t want.”

“Maria? You know my mom well enough that you’re using her first name like you’re familiars?”

He shrugged. “We’ve done business together a couple of times.”

“In spite of the animosity between her and Bastian’s mom?”

“That’s their issue. Not mine or Bastian’s.”

“Do you know what that issue really is? It’s clearly more than just a professional rivalry, given how intense it is.”

“I know a lot of things,” he responded evasively.

I rolled my eyes. “You’re avoiding my question.”

“And you’re changing the subject from you and your misguided career path.”

That was the last thing I wanted to get into right now. Especially with all the shit I needed to wade through in a moment regarding Jett. I was trying to relax at present, to clear my head, so I could actually manage that.

“I can’t do anything about it until after the convention. It will ruin my mom’s night, her whole celebratory excitement over closing that big development deal.”

He cocked an eyebrow. “So you are planning on taking action there then?”

“Yes, all right? Happy now?”

His lips quirked. “Not yet.”

“Jeez,” Caleb uttered, before snatching up his coffee mug beside him on the vanity and taking a couple of big gulps. “You two are gonna stress me out and then I’m gonna be the one leaving us hanging through heading outside for a good, long chain smoke.”

“It’s only been twenty minutes,” King told him.

“It feels longer. Fuck, maybe I’m already having a nic-fit.”

“You’re fine.” King locked his phone and held it loosely in his hand. “We both know this is just you getting antsy about what Skylar’s going to tell us.” He walked to Caleb and slid his hands to his hips, then lowered his voice, but I could still hear with the echo of the spacious bathroom as he said, “I know the idea of women being assaulted, especially in the way we know Jett is fond of, twists you up, but try to contain your reaction in front of her. We have enough with Bastian flying off the handle lately. An intense reaction from you won’t help her either. You and I will talk about it later. I’ll be there for you to let it all out. Okay, lovely?”

Caleb nodded. “Yeah, I hear you.”

I tried to push past what I’d heard and I focused on the sweet sight of Caleb brushing his lips over King’s, then nuzzling his cheek.

The bathroom door flew open, pulling them apart and making all of us jolt, as Bastian burst back in.

“Oops, sorry,” he said, laughing a little crazily as he grabbed the door and closed it carefully. “Didn’t think I’d pushed that hard.”

“Are you all right, sweets?” I asked, seeing Caleb and King frowning at him in my peripheral vision.

He came to me with a big grin and cupped my cheeks. “I love you calling me that little pet name.” He started kissing my face all over then, making me giggle.

“Bastian,” King called sharply.

It had Bastian jerking back and turning to them. “What’s up?”

“Your cock, for one,” Caleb answered.

Bastian looked down at himself, seeming to only just notice what we all had, the real reason for our stunned reactions when he’d burst on in here. The door had been the least of it.

He was buck naked, absolutely every stunning inch of him on full display.

“Oh, right.” He noticed their looks. “What? Nothing you both haven’t seen before. Just a few hours ago even.”