Page 106 of Wreck Me

I was taking comfort in the fact that it wouldn’t be a factor soon.

With what I was looking into doing instead of continuing at Luxe, though, it was imperative I didn’t rock the boat there right now. I needed it to make this next step. But, beyond that, I wouldn’t need anything from them or anyone.

For now, though, it meant I had to play the game, especially when it came to this upcoming event.

I strode to my bed and snatched up my phone, scrolling to the message that had come in from my father. I didn’t even refer to him as my father in my contacts list. He’d lost that right seven years ago.

Ford Rowland: Rossun Elite Convention in two weeks. Be there. Not as King’s boy toy either, as our son. Any excuse or failure to attend will be met with consequences you’re well aware of. Don’t embarrass us by making your unfortunate proclivities apparent either.

I growled low in my throat and finally forced myself to respond.

Caleb: All noted. I’ll be there.

Then I tossed my phone back on my bed and made a beeline for my dresser so I could dress quickly, then head outside for a much-needed smoke.

But then voices in the distance caught my attention.

I grabbed a pair of boxers and my gray sweats and pulled them on, then quietly opened my bedroom door and listened harder.

The voices were coming from down in the foyer.

Bastian’s and… Skylar’s?

She was early for our meet. By at least a couple of hours.

What was going on?

I tiptoed down the stairs until I was able to see over the railing without revealing myself.


There Bastian was, one hand slapped to the front door in a casual and commanding stance, bringing out that swagger of his in full force that I hadn’t seen him use for a long time.

Skylar was standing just a couple of feet from him, beaming up at him.

And dressed up.

She was sporting a lace-up blue plaid mini dress with black ribbons all over it and decorated with lace, a pair of thigh-high studded boots taking the sexy edginess up another notch. Her hair was bouncing with her every slight movement, in a high ponytail with loose curled strands free and framing her face.

She’d made a clear effort and judging by her flirtatious interactions with Bastian, it was for him.

Cas had told me that Bastian had gone to see her at her house while her parents had been away on that business trip, and he'd stayed the whole day after with her too.

But since then, over the last week and a half, he hadn’t mentioned her. I hadn’t seen him with her at Luxe either.

She’d only come here once in that time, citing her being too busy with schoolwork to come any more often right now, and Bastian had been in class at the time so they hadn’t crossed paths.

Their familiar and very intimate and easy interactions right now were pointing toward her excuse being bullshit. It looked like they’d been seeing each other on the down low.


And Bastian seemed fine.

I mean, he had been fine this entire time.

He hadn’t shown any further worrying reactions or behavior. He’d been on point and in control.

Whatever this development was with Skylar had actually… soothed him then.