Page 56 of Wreck Me

“You passed out last night,” I responded in a deliberately calm tone. “Do you remember what happened?”

She thought for a moment, wincing as she did. “I… yeah.”

I watched her shift her legs beneath the covers again and grimace. Then she touched her hand to her throat and the marks on her chest.

That was also when she noticed she wasn’t in her own clothes.

She tugged at it. “Is this Sebastian’s?”


The last thing we needed was Bastian seeing her wearing his clothes. He was already clearly into her as it was, seeing a mark of possession like that would only worsen all that.

“You stripped me?” she seethed, eyes blazing.

“Bastian. He’s already seen you naked. We figured you wouldn’t like the choice being taken from you in that respect when it came to me.”

She stilled, staring at me in a mixture of startlement and curiosity. “Huh. All the blood, right? Dirt too.”

“That’s right.” My lips quirked and I couldn’t resist adding, “And other sticky things.”

I was pleasantly surprised when her cheeks didn’t heat and no signs of embarrassment showed and, instead, she smirked. “Well, he certainly didn’t disappoint.”

I grinned, then pointed at the meds. “Morning-after pill and pain meds.”

“I’m on birth control.”

“Even so.”

She grunted, taking my insistence as a lack of trust when it was more a fear of bringing an innocent into our fucked-up lives. Cas shared my feelings on that, too.

After she downed them, worry flickered across her face. “Is he—”

“He’s good. Been tested and he hasn’t fucked anyone in about a year.”

She flinched. “Excuse me?”


“The It-Boy? The bad boy media darling? The guy whose combo of popularity and notoriety can have him walking into a room with panties dropping all over?”

“It’s just an image.”

I pushed out of the chair and rounded the bed toward the side she was sleeping on. “Besides, you should be more concerned about that dirty blade that Vicars sliced you with.” I pointed to the bandage and it had her inspecting it. “I treated it and I’ve stashed a course of antibiotics in one of those zipped-up pockets of your hoodie. Make sure you take them.”

She looked more than a little stunned. “Thanks. That’s… really nice.”

As I sat on the edge of the bed beside her, she shifted a little, not sure what to make of me coming in such close proximity.

But I needed to.

I needed to see if I still had a reaction to her like the one of last night.

Her softness was throwing me off, though. I’d expected her to wake up enraged and full of accusation and indignation, claiming kidnapping and a whole lot of shit.

Instead, she was calm and completely rational about the whole thing.

Had Bastian gotten into more than her panties last night? Had he gotten into her head?