Just the stakes I needed right now.
I breathed in the atmosphere.
A rush of cheers went through the area as the opponent I would be going up against made a show of circling the ring and pumping his fists.
I rolled my eyes.
He was even wearing a gold satin robe, his shoulder-length black hair flying all over the place as he darted around.
As he continued showing off, Damien strode into the ring toward me, grinning.
“It’s done,” he told me. “Carl Vicars.”
“I don’t need names.”
“You do. If you weren’t newly returned to Rossun you’d know who he is.”
I cocked an eyebrow.
“He agreed to fight a woman all too easily.”
“Because you vouched for me.”
That was the deal we’d made when we’d bumped into each other earlier.
I’d been fired up and in no mood for the bullshit he’d thrown at me that first time we’d met and he’d read the room well and basically fed off the destructive energy I was putting out there, and he’d been all over me. Well, not physically. Apart from wrapping an arm around me, which I’d barely registered in my current state. But all over me, wanting to be around me. Something about pissing off Sebastian, which I’d obviously been all for. I’d even agreed to make a deal—he’d talk me up and I’d give him a taste, as he’d deemed it.
I was an unknown fighter here, I couldn’t just step into this sort of place and be allowed to go up against somebody twice my size who could bench press that and more. Not without being vouched for by a respected fighter, which I’d found out Damien was.
Damien told me, “Vicars has a predilection for pretty little young things.”
I hissed through my teeth. Just the kind of assfuck who would’ve been my target before.
“He’s gonna try to do a lot more than just fight you, Bluebell. The refs here aren’t gonna stop it either. Only if you tap out.”
“That won’t be happening,” I seethed.
A sadistic smirk played on his lips. “Fuck, yeah, baby.”
“I’m not your baby.”
“Yeah, you’re not my type. Too mouthy, not pliant enough for my tastes.”
“Full-on submissives for you then?”
“You don’t even know,” he answered with a sly grin. His gaze darted around the space again and then that grin widened. “Seb knows it, but I have a feeling he’s gonna neglect to remember it in a moment when you pay up for my part of our little deal. Any time now.”
I followed his gaze and a jolt went through me as I caught sight of Sebastian looking as stylish as ever in his leather jacket and designer jeans combo with one of his white dress shirts open at the collar and only partially buttoned. Those tattoos just took the hotness factor up several more notches. Not to mention, the flood of memories that tried to inundate me of how fucking good he’d touched me and set my body on fire.
I slid my gaze to Caleb standing beside him.
More like guarding him really, with the way he was tight to him and glaring at anybody who got within a few feet of Sebastian.
His blond hair had that whole sexy bedhead look going on. He was wearing that brown aviator jacket that did his broad shoulders a lot of justice. In his obviously tense state watching out for Sebastian, or whatever the hell was really going on, his muscles were tense, everything pulled so taut that I could even make out his hard abs through his white tee. He was a bigger guy than Sebastian, taller by a few inches, and broader too, while the former was more compact packed muscle.
Caleb spotted me first and he nudged Sebastian.