Page 43 of Wreck Me

That was how bad it was when I opened that door.

Something Sebastian and his posse didn’t understand.

They just wanted the weapon that Onyx was.

For something.

I still didn’t know what.

As if that hadn’t been enough, I hadn’t been able to get Sebastian’s touch off my mind either. His taste. Those skillful fingers of his wreaking havoc on my body, making me come with an intensity and power that eclipsed every fucking thing.

The need to replicate it, or more like, escalate it, had been right there nagging at me, like an itch I couldn’t scratch. Without him. Without that dark intensity and that insane passion that had raged between us like wildfire.

I’d even spent hours sitting in my sketching zone trying to get him out of my system that way. That had resulted in pages upon pages of him, even of us together in that stairwell losing our shit all over one another.

At least it had managed to purge that need—for the most part.

I’d almost reached a stable place and had every intention of returning to Luxe tomorrow, strapping on my mask and an unaffected demeanor, and getting back down to the new life I was trying to make here.

And then the texts had come in.

They were burned into my brain.

They’d boiled my fucking blood.

That sociopath, Jett.

Unknown Number: This isn’t a game you can win, sugar.

Game? Yeah, that was all anything was to him. Some sick fucking game.

Unknown Number: I’m gonna rage-fuck you until you’re raw and begging me to show mercy.

Unknown Number: What’s that? You don’t beg. The way I’ve heard it, you’ve gone soft. Gonna be a lot easier to bring you to your knees for me now, make you my good little girlfriend the way it was always meant to be.

To say that bastard’s messages had flipped me the fuck out would be a severe understatement.

The words themselves were bad enough.

But it was also what existed beyond that.

The fact that he was looking into my activities here.

The fact he thought he could use my going soft as ammunition, as a point of vulnerability to exploit.

That was what had allowed Sebastian to get so close too.

It was what had stopped me from putting down his brother.

And now Jett was trying to do the same thing, or at least threatening to.

He issued a whole load of threats to a whole load of people and not all of them panned out. It was impossible to tell which ones actually would. The fact he thought he could threaten me, though, was the point.

So I’d come down to this shithole tonight.

This particular underground fight venue had even been known in and around the institute. That was how notorious it was.

A large part of that was because the fight literally didn’t stop until one of the fighters tapped out. If they didn’t, it would continue on, risking actual death.