Page 36 of Wreck Me

I forced myself back to the immediate moment, as I continued rummaging in the fridge.

Again, not the usual for me.

I was precise, strategic.

I finally settled on a Tupperware of the many prepared meals that Cas had made his staff whip up for us to ensure—well, more like enforce—that we were well fed while we were living out here alone in this mansion off campus.

For the last few years, Caleb had been living with Cas while they’d worked together. And I’d been there for a while too. Cas hadn’t wanted me out of his sight after what had happened previously, namely my stint in rehab and all the complications that had come along with that.

I hadn’t even wanted to attend Luxe originally. I’d been more interested in a community college program in Architectural Drafting, rather than going the full architect route. I liked the hands-on aspect and the technical focus, rather than the design of it all. I’d taught myself the Revit software and even programmed the families to my liking, to suit the needs of the projects I’d assigned myself. That was where my strength was. The technical side of things, the logic, the patterns, the formulas, the math. Not aesthetics.

But after my public reputation had taken a hit due to my descent into addiction, attending Luxe had been the best bet to counter that and demonstrate stability and me getting back on track. It had put my mom at ease and taken pressure off, settling the Thorn media circus.


I still couldn’t be out in public without being tailed by paparazzi, without my every move being documented and analyzed to the nth degree.

But that was par for the course.

I’d been front and center like that since my high school days.

And I’d learned to handle it now.

More than that, Cas had taught me how to use it to my advantage.

He abhorred media attention, but he could work it like nobody else I’d ever known. Even my mom who was all about putting forth a pristine, perfect appearance in the public eye.

She certainly had her work cut out for her there where Damien was concerned.

At least lately.

If anyone was headed for a downward spiral, it was him.

A curse from Cal drew my attention, the clacking of his laptop keys coming into focus now they weren’t drowned out by my whirling thoughts.

“Everything all right?” I asked over my shoulder as I placed the container on the worktop and took in the heating instructions taped to the side.

I smiled to myself, Cas certainly covered all bases.

“Just coming up against some resistance.”

“Resistance? You’re delving into that hacktivism of yours again?”

He shrugged, trying to play it off and not lifting his gaze from his screen. “A little.”

“What about your readings? That assignment you were already given?”

“I’ve got it handled, B. Business Management is a breeze for me after learning from our genius tycoon, Caspian King, for so long.”

“Cas doesn’t always toe the line. It might not translate well to this degree program.” Hell, I knew it was one of the reasons Cas had pushed him toward Luxe to do this, so Caleb would avoid using the same underhanded and ruthless business practices and approach that he did. It brought out something in Cal, something dangerous and hella dark when he went down that road. Cas had a different way of handling it, to avoid that corruption. But Cal… he liked it too much. Our nightly activities had started to fall short of satisfying that in him because of it. And that was saying a hell of a lot, considering how demented those could get. So now he was supposed to be embracing collegiate life, moving away from all the rest. Caspian had even cut back on our nightly stuff and delayed any more ops to give Cal time to calm down.

“Caleb,” I said, walking to him as he sat up at the island in his lounging attire—a pair of gray sweats and a white muscle tee. His sandy-blond hair was all wild and disheveled, his mocha eyes in that intensely focused state and slightly bloodshot, the look he got when he was in obsessive mode with cracking something. The gummy worm hanging from his lips as he absently sucked on it was another giveaway. Not to mention the empty coffee cup on his other side drained to the very last drop.

“I just need another hour or so.”

“Until what?”

“Until I’m able to breach the security of Shakers.”