He came up in a primed crouch. “Love it when you hurt me, gorgeous. Fucking hard for you right now.” He flashed his teeth that were bloody from his messed-up nose dripping into his mouth and all over his face. “Let’s remedy that, yeah?”
A shudder rolled through me.
And then he charged.
Just before he hit, I twisted to the side, then thrust my knife. I felt it connect, driving deep into his side. He choked and skidded to his knees, slapping his hand to the blade.
I was there in the next second, ripping it out, then kicking him in the face, sending him sprawling out in a heap, as he pressed his hand to his wound, trying to ebb the blood flow.
He was wheezing and spluttering.
All good signs that I’d done some serious damage.
Sirens sounded then and I swung my head to see the accompanying flashing lights. I scanned the area and also picked up on some of Caspian’s men now arriving on scene.
I strained to see Caspian and Caleb rushing toward me, a good couple of hundred feet out.
Just as that was happening, my dad staggered out from the kitchen, a haunted look on his face.
Our gazes clashed and he shook his head, his expression absolutely wretched.
Oh my God.
He meant… he meant, Mom. She was… she was gone.
Jett staggered to his feet as I was caught in a haze, so many conflicting emotions inundating me that I couldn’t focus.
It felt so loud, like it was all screaming.
“Time to go,” I was vaguely aware of Jett saying.
And then I felt his movement.
He was coming at me again.
Just like he kept doing.
Over and over.
He wouldn’t stop.
I couldn’t allow it to continue.
I looked out at Caspian and Caleb and saw Caspian shaking his head.
In that moment, I knew.
I had to break my promise.
I had to break us.
Just as Jett was upon me, I spun and yanked him to me by his tank, then drove my knife through his chest.
He stilled, his eyes shooting wide.
And then he collapsed, wheezing.