Page 210 of Wreck Me

Something in me fucking well snapped.

And then I was lunging at him and driving him into the kitchen.

As he stumbled, I roundhoused him into the debris of the counter.

Then I was there in the next second, slicing my blade still clutched in my hand across his cheek.

He hissed as blood seeped over his skin quickly.

First blood wasn’t near enough.

I went for his gut.

His hand shot out, snagging my wrist and stopping the blade just an inch from puncturing his skin.

I slammed my knee up, breaking his grip and yanking my hand free, but he slammed his boot into my gut before I could go in for another stab.

It send me stumbling back and I screamed as I hit the flames, the intensity burning through my tank and into my lower back so quickly, melting my flesh.

Jett grabbed me and hauled me through what was left of the backdoor. I hit the grass and rolled, putting the flames out, but cursing as the motions abraded my fresh burns.

Panting, I dug my knife into the ground and used it as leverage to drag myself to my knees.

I wasn’t fast enough and Jett was there in the next second, smashing his fist into my face like a freaking cement block that was his boxer blows. My head snapped back and I hit the grass again, tasting blood on my lips.

And then he was scrambling up my body.

I twisted beneath him, kicking and clawing, but he only relished the damage like always, and allowed the hits and abuse so that he could achieve his objective of pinning me beneath him, his knees bearing down on my legs, his hands trapping my arms down by my sides.

“Calm down, Sky. You know this is for the best. It’s the only way we can be together.”

“You’re a fucking maniac! Stop! Just stop this! Stop it all!”

“Happy to. Once you agree to be mine and drop these fucking infuriating walls of yours.”

God, he was out of his mind. Absolutely out of his mind.

I jerked my head up and spat a mouthful of blood in his face.

He jolted, his grip loosening involuntarily.

Just a little, but it was enough for me to work with.

I yanked my hands further out to the sides, taking him with me, and making him smack down on top of me, wherein I smashed my forehead into his face.

Blood exploded over me as the blow broke his nose.

He cursed and fell back and I used the opportunity to yank one of my legs free, then kick him off me all the way.

“Fuck! Give it up already!” he bellowed, coming at me with another one of his brutal blows.

I brought my arm down, deflecting it, then I leapt up into a spinning kick that sent him careening into a tree. I bolted for my knife still buried in the ground.

I managed to snatch it up just as he roared and lunged at me.

I shifted position and let him hit, using his momentum to throw him over my back, my burns screaming in agony in the process.

Thankfully, adrenaline and rage were helping me out in a big way and I was able to shove it down—for now.