Adrenaline thrummed through me, fueling me, as I burst from my concealment, and sprinted at top speed toward the guy.
By the time he spotted me, it was too late, I was already upon him.
I slapped my hand over his mouth, shoving the lit cigarette inside in the process, making him flail and panic as it burned him from the inside out. Then I shoved my gun into his upper back and fired, blowing a hole through his back, right on target for his heart, the sound muffled by his body and the silencer I’d equipped to my piece.
I released him roughly as he sank to the concrete in a heap.
Fucking dead.
One down, many more to go.
I turned away and rushed to the rear door of the building that was now unlocked thanks to him.
I flattened my back against it, readying my gun and peering around the corner.
Just like on the plans I’d managed to pull up, there was a long corridor that led into the actual floor of the factory. There were two doors either side on the way through to the main area, housing four smaller rooms.
The way was clear.
For now.
I pushed inside, stalking down the corridor, my gun at the ready, prepared to fire at any moment and blow these shitheads away.
There was no restraint on my end right now.
I was Wrath personified.
They’d taken my fucking brother!
All this time, I’d been trying to fight against my darker nature and all it had done was lead to this.
Fuck, no!
I was done!
Just as I reached the first door, a shithead dressed in sweats just like the other came strolling out without a care in the world, no clue I’d infiltrated the place. Even his firearm was holstered at his hip.
I was there in the next moment, shoving him into the wall face first, my knee digging into his back, hand fisted in his hair, holding him there with my full strength. He tried to struggle, but it was useless against my power, especially when I was hopped up on rage and vengeance like this, when I’d let the dark take me all the fucking way.
“Where the fuck is he?” I snarled. “Where’s Sebastian?”
“Not telling you shit,” he choked back.
I ground his face against the rough concrete, scraping away his flesh, blood staining the thing. He struggled and screamed. “Where?” I demanded.
“Jett… he’ll kill… me.”
“I’m the one you should be worried about.” I scraped his face some more. “Now, where?”
“The other side… through the factory… there’s another corridor… locked door.”
“And Jett?”
“Fuck knows.”
So he wasn’t still here then.
I snarled, then shoved the muzzle of my gun into his temple and pulled the trigger.