My emotions when it came to that were way too fucking raw right now.
“There we are. She’s doing it to you as well. It’s her thing. She wants to belong, but she’s afraid of giving up control at the same time, of needing anybody. She thinks it will take away her power, make her vulnerable.” He tapped his watch. “Her doing it to you is coming at a good time for me. She’s in the perfect headspace. One more push and she’ll be nice and wrecked, and ready for me.”
“You’re not laying a fucking hand on her again.”
“Sorry, gorgeous, but she’s not your concern.”
“The fuck she isn’t.”
“Oh, that’s not a threat. It’s a fact. I know it hurts. Hurt me too. Until I found another way and learned how to play this little game with her.”
“I’m not walking away from her. We aren’t.”
“Yeah, I know about the three of you with her. Works out even better. There’s more to run from there, more to overwhelm her.” He shook his head at me. “If you’d kept her just for yourself, you might’ve had more time with her. Oh, well, what’s done is done, right?”
“It’s not done.”
“It will be soon enough. You see, she’s gonna come at me. She’s already searching for me, and I’m gonna let her find me. And when she does, she’ll try to take me out. She’ll want to go for the kill too. The problem for you is, that’s the last thing you three boys will want. In fact, you might say it would ruin a whole lot for you.”
Jett cannot be touched, Skylar.
You can’t take unilateral action. Especially not where this is concerned.
You don’t have all the information.
Caspian’s texts to Sky.
I hadn’t paid the details a lot of mind, as I’d been focused on other more pertinent things.
Or, at least, what I’d thought had been more pertinent.
“What are you talking about?”
A wide smile spread across his face and it looked creepy as fuck. “So glad you asked.” He sauntered back to me and grasped my chin. “We’ll get to that in a minute. First, though, let’s help you to relax.”
He reached into the back pocket of his pants with his free hand, then he had me jolting as he pulled out a syringe.
“What the hell is that?” I demanded, my muscles locking at the sight of it.
Ignoring the direct question, he went on instead, “You know, that brother of yours told me about your issues with drugs and all that. Not for the reason you might think, though. He didn’t tell me so I’d use it as ammo. He thought I might already know—and I did, the barebones of it from the media circus that surrounded you back when it happened—and he was adamant that I didn’t use anything like that against you, in order to get what I wanted. I agreed, but just to get what I wanted from him. And he was all too willing to give me the in that I needed to track your movements with Skylar, the reason I was able to capture that dirty fuck session down that backroad. You see, I zeroed in on his weakness right away. It was so fucking raw. His jealousy of you, that sibling rivalry, all that toxicity there. That’s his addiction and this time he failed to fight it. His trigger was you guys cutting him out and, you know, me playing up that Skylar was replacing him at your sides.” He gazed at the syringe in wonder. “So, no, Damien didn’t want me going this route. The problem is, it’s necessary. You’re the obsessive type—you know, all that addiction shit as evidence for one thing—so I know no matter what I do or say, you’re not gonna agree to end things with her and let me take back what’s mine there. Outside of killing you, of course. But, lucky for you, I can’t go there at this point in time. Besides, I don’t want to martyr you in Skylar’s eyes, now, do I? That would immortalize your love, the last fucking thing I need.” He stepped closer. “So, I’m gonna have you take yourself from her. All you need is one little push. Isn’t that right? It’s where you were headed, after all, to your dealer, when I stopped you on the road.” That creepy grin infected his features, his face twisting with it. “I’m just giving you what you want. The thing you actually really want more than her.”
Dread trickled down my spine at the sick shit he was saying. “No. You can’t—”
In a blink, he was suddenly behind me and trapping me in a completely incapacitating headlock.
I tried to buck in the chair, but he just laughed. “That’s not gonna help. It’s bolted to the floor. If you hadn’t been so focused on Skylar, you would’ve noticed. You also had a sliver of a chance to hurt me again when I got close that second time, but you didn’t take it, because you were too consumed with our conversation—too caught up in her. Love really is blind, isn’t it? For the fools who can’t make it their bitch like I can, of course.”
I felt the needle scrape the skin of my throat. “Don’t. Don’t do this! It’s fucking sick! Don’t!”
“Come on now, be a good boy. You’ll feel much better soon.”
It sank into my flesh, my whole body going rigid as the shock of it took me over, the brutal ramifications rolling over me, knowing what it would do to me, the surge of desperate need that would get its claws into me and drag me down so deep, I’d choke on it.
“There,” he said, when he was done, tossing it across the room. “Not long now and you’ll be much more at ease.” He leaned in and whispered at my ear, as I shuddered from what he’d just done. “In the meantime, I’m gonna tell you a story. You’ve waited years to hear this, so pay attention. It’s the story of the night the Kings and Wayne Thorn met their maker.”