Page 171 of Wreck Me

But our operations had served to bring a sense of peace and happiness to Skylar.

They’d settled Caleb and helped to alleviate his restless state.

And they’d given Bastian an outlet for his rage and frustration and all the overwhelming emotions that he’d been struggling with since opening back up a few months ago for Skylar.

I’d actually hoped that it also proving to bring us closer as a unit would have pushed Caleb to confide in me with the obvious secret he was keeping.

But so far, nothing had come on that front.

Of course I had the means to discover what he was hiding myself. Doing that would violate my own personal rule as well as the promise I’d made the two of them to not use those invasive methods on them.

Besides, my main concern had been with Bastian after I’d noticed he’d been high at the convention.

I’d also discovered that several of my meds had been taken. Even one of my flasks had been emptied. It didn’t take much to connect those dots.

But, since we’d been out there as The Jackals, he hadn’t exhibited any telling signs of being hopped up on anything, definitely no symptoms that would match the effects of those specific pills that he’d taken from me.

Our work was calming him down, helping him to unleash it in a different way.

So far, it was looking like a brief relapse, not a descent into full-on addiction like it had been before. He appeared to have re-stabilized.

In spite of that, I’d arranged for his doctor to reach out to him under the pretense that it was part of a newly instituted follow-up process to check in with him. Confronting Bastian head-on wasn’t a good idea. He’d never reacted well to that and the guilt and shame that could come from that risked pushing him further in that dangerous direction anyway. So I had to use these roundabout methods. For now. Although things were looking better, it was no guarantee.

And when I couldn’t be certain, I had to take precautions.

My intercom system buzzed on my desk, pulling me from my thoughts.

I slapped the button and Daria’s voice sounded through the space.

“King, my apologies, I know you’re working on the King-Tech expansion, but Luke is insisting on seeing you.”

I smiled to myself. He could get past anyone, but he’d never even try it with her. He knew better. We all did when it came to her wrath if anyone disturbed me.

“It’s fine. Send him in.” I’d been expecting him, anyway, although he was a couple of hours earlier than I’d anticipated. Then again, Luke Somers did work fast, even surprising the likes of me with it from time to time.

The door opened and Luke crossed the threshold, shut the door behind him, then took a seat opposite my desk.

I leaned forward. “Did you get it?”

“Yeah, you were right. We were able to pick the offenders up on Rossun surveillance further down from the location of that photo taken of Sebastian and Skylar.”

“Offenders? Plural? He has a partner?”

“No, they were two people working for him. These individuals were also at the fight club both times Skylar fought. He’s been using them to spy on her, likely to determine how much of a threat she is, how much force he’ll need to use if he intends to take her as you’re concerned about.”

“Get me a location.”

“Already done. I hit it myself.”


“I’m sorry, King, they’re both in the ICU. Currently unconscious. We’re not gonna be able to get a thing out of them. They’re in critical condition as it is.”


“Brutally beaten. The offender broke into the apartment that the two of them shared. No prints, no evidence at all. Everything was wiped clean.”

“While the beatings are Jett’s M.O., the cleanup isn’t.”