“Watch your mouth!” Ford snapped.
“Ford, please,” Bridget whisper-yelled, fisting her hands nervously in her demure beige dress. “You’re going to make a scene. People will hear.”
“Hear what an ungrateful shit he is, what an utter, directionless failure, and an absolute disappointment on all levels he is as a son?”
“You know fucking nothing,” Caleb seethed, slamming his drink down on one of the small circular tables situated around the space.
Ford rose to the aggression and grabbed at Caleb’s suit jacket, jerking him into him. “Your trust fund will—”
“Take a look at it.”
Caleb grinned. “Let’s just say that as of two hours ago, you have nothing to hold over me. It’s done, Dad.” He broke Ford’s hold on him and stepped back, fixing his jacket. “This is the last time we’ll ever be in the same room together. It’s done.”
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“Like I said, check the money.”
With a growl, Ford went for him with Bridget grabbing at his arm in an attempt to stop him. If only it had actually been about her wanting to protect her son, and not just due to her being worried about her image and the scene they were making.
I was there in the next second, shoving Ford back.
“King, we—” Bridget started, lowering her head in supplication.
“Quiet. I witnessed the entire scene.”
Ford tried to hide his nerves at suddenly finding himself facing me down, but he failed miserably.
I slid my hand along Caleb’s cheek. “All right, lovely?”
Expecting him to jerk away because I was touching him in front of his parents, he surprised me when he actually nuzzled against my hand instead and beamed out at me, not hiding our intimacy from them at all. “I am now.”
He grasped my hair then and jerked me to him.
And then he was kissing me.
I rose to it, grasping his nape and thrusting my tongue into his mouth.
It was sloppy and wild, a public claiming of each other really.
I heard whoops and whistles, some clapping erupting around us.
When we pulled back, panting, I looked to see Bridget’s face beet-red and Ford’s face twisted in utter disgust. “I would reconsider your narrow-minded judgment if I were you. Especially with the information that reached me a few days ago. Your fondness for two of the maids in your flagship hotel? Having one ride your face while the other eats out your ass?”
He choked and staggered back a step.
Bridget gasped and slapped a hand over her face, staring at him in utter disbelief.
I tucked Caleb into my side. “Now, speaking of that, I need to comfort your son after this unfortunate scene. That will likely involve him on his knees for me, happily swallowing my cock, then me pleasuring him by sinking deep into his sweet little ass until he paints my hand with his cum.” I smirked. “I’ll leave you with that delicious visual.”
With that, I guided Caleb past them, ignoring the crowds and those guests who’d overhead the entire thing.
I led him through to the back, all the way through to the farthest coatroom.
Nothing looked disturbed in this one, so Bastian and Skylar hadn’t used it then.
I locked the door, then spun around to face Caleb, who then burst out laughing. “Holy shit, Cas!”