“Sorry, no way. No way in hell.”
She sighed, her disappointment all too obvious. “You should consider getting involved, joining a club, finding a way to make friends. You were a loner at Vista Ridge, I don’t want that happening again. You can make some wonderful friendships in college.”
“Come on, Maria, she’s like her old man. A lone wolf through and through,” my dad said, with his hearty laugh.
It had my mom actually cracking a smile. “Frank!”
He kept laughing. “You know it’s true.”
“You’ve made some friends in the service.”
“That’s different.”
“Brothers-in-arms, right, Dad?”
“Exactly, pumpkin.”
“Well, you’re not a complete lone wolf, you have me,” my mom said, sweetly stroking his cheek.
He beamed at her. “That, I do.”
My phone buzzed in my pocket and as they got all lovey-dovey, I pulled it out and swiped it open.
A shot of adrenaline went through me as I took in a text there.
Sebastian: Is it jasmine?
I frantically scrolled through my phone, heading to my contact list.
Sure enough, there his name was now programmed into my phone.
He must’ve done it when he’d picked it up in the parking lot. Shit. I hadn’t locked it after those texts from Jett, because that confrontation with Damien that had come right after had distracted me.
Sebastian: Your perfume? Is it jasmine? Shampoo too, yes?
Sebastian: Smelled it on me after I touched you. I can still smell you on me, beautiful.
Skylar: Are you campaigning for Creeper of the Month?
Sebastian: My observation creeps you out?
Skylar: We’re not opening up a dialog here. Bye bye.
Sebastian: The fact you responded would suggest otherwise.
Skylar: Just to give you a piece of my mind. You violated my phone.
Sebastian: My brother threatened to violate a whole lot more than that and you barely batted an eye.
Skylar: He was out of his depth.
Dammit. I shouldn’t have typed that.
He was just… he was bringing it out in me.
Just like they’d done earlier.