Page 109 of Wreck Me

“Did you now?” I said, eyeing Bastian, surprised he’d told her that much. Clearly, he didn’t have a whole lot of restraint when it came to her now.

“He is. He’s probably hard right now just from that.”

“Actually, I’ve been hard since I saw you two eating each other’s faces and headed for the on-ramp.”

“Oh God,” Skylar said, looking anywhere but at us.

I grinned and pushed it further, loving her reactions. “I was actually disappointed when I didn’t get a full show and you two pulled apart.” I eyed Skylar. “Is that why you came ahead of time for our meet by two hours? For some fucking with my boy?”

“Can you tone down the crassness?” Bastian groused.

“Really? Coming from you and your “Beg me to tear into this dripping cunt” spiel to her at the fight club?”

“You heard that?”

“I heard it all. Quite the performance from you both.”

“I like it,” Skylar announced, getting both our attentions.

“You do?” I asked.

She smirked at Bastian. “Yeah, his dirty talk turns me on.”

“Really turns her on,” Bastian told me.

“Hmm, very good to know.” I winked at her. “That’s kind of my thing, darling.”

Her eyes burned into mine and I saw her gaze dart to my dick for a moment, before flitting back to my face.

Bastian noticed and grinned at me, then stroked her hair, silently encouraging it and reassuring her at the same time.

She cleared her throat, then told me, “So, anyway, I came here early for some gaming with Bastian. You know, and to tell you about us hooking up and spending time together.”

“Gaming, huh?”

“Yeah, you should check out the game she created. It’s another level, right up there with the established pros.”

“Oh, speaking of that,” Skylar said, breaking from Bastian and snatching up her messenger bag by the door. She put it on her shoulder, then opened it on her way back to us and pulled out a sketchbook. “I sketched you a potential character for the sequel like you wanted.”

“Already? That was fast,” Bastian said, eagerly reaching out for it as she flipped to the correct page.

“Well, I was inspired.”

He smiled and then she handed it over.

I moved in and took a look at it.

And there he was as some sort of warrior, decked out in black and gold armor with a fearsome look on his face.

“This is something else,” I commented. She’d really captured every nuance of him, and his actual character too, just through one sketch. It was so detailed and it leapt off the page.

“Wow, yeah, this is incredible,” he said. He frowned then and asked, “Why are my eyes on fire like that?”

“Oh, right,” she said, with a chuckle. “Well, our first few antagonistic interactions you had this fierce and dangerous look on your face and it was like the gold flecks in your eyes were flaming with hellfire. So I took that here with the sketch and made you into a magic-wielding warrior.”

“Aww,” he said, wrapping his arm around her. “I’m sorry I came off like that.”

“Please, you know I have an affinity for the whole dangerous and fearsome angle.”