“It’s going to take longer because I don’t know who we’re looking for,” I confess, pulling up that date in the system. Robert is leaning over my shoulder, his hot breath against my neck. It’s already hard enough to focus with his large frame so close to mine, but his breath against my skin makes me tremble. Fortunately, he hasn’t noticed my reaction to him.
Lately, he isn’t picking up on these things, and I’m grateful for that. I may not be sleeping in the same bed as him but being under the same roof has shown me that Robert likes touching me. He’s not inappropriate by any means—just a small graze of his hand against mine, entwining our fingers together, playing with my hair.
These are small acts that could be adorable if they didn’t get me so worked up. His touch is lethal to me, and he seems to be completely oblivious to the fact. My hand tightens around the mouse as I move the cursor across the screen. My nipples are tightening under my blouse, and I feel foolish for reacting like this to nothing more than his breath on my neck.
Trying to focus on the screen, I play the recording from the day after the attack. It shows Jazz coming in and looking surprised at the broken lock. She immediately steps back outside and pulls out her cell phone. I remember getting her call and explaining what happened, the clean version for a human. She then inspects everything and places another phone call. Half an hour later, her father enters and hugs her as if to calm her down. As customers start coming in, so does a locksmith, and the lock is changed.
I know most of the morning crowd. In business districts such as this one, we usually have repeat customers. However, as the footage plays on, my eyes catch someone. “There!”
I pause the video, pointing at two extraordinarily good-looking men.
“Those are vampires.”
I just know. As I press the play button, I watch them scan the cafe for someone. They purchase some coffee and sit, their eyes roaming around the place. Neither of them touches their drinks. As they leave, they toss them in the trash can by the door. They had disposable cups.
I frown, my lips pressing into a thin line.
I’m about to switch to the video for the next day when Robert stops me with a touch of his hand. “Not yet. Play the whole thing at double the speed.”
I do so, and as the customers thin out and it gets dark outside, I see Shelby wiping the counter as the door opens.
A man in a luxurious trench coat walks in.
As he approaches the counter, he looks up, right at the security camera, and I go still, my breathing shallow. “R—Robert. Robert, that’s—”
I can’t get the words out of my mouth as I stare at my father’s face looking straight at me through the screen.
Chapter 16
Robert Montgomery
When I first found out Charlotte’s real identity, I went digging. At this point, though, my trust in her is affirmed.
Her family didn’t want her, and I need to know what happened for them to kick her out in such an unprompted manner. I doubt she understands it, either. It’s very rare for clans to shun their people. Those who are weak or not as successful or strong as the rest of the clan are usually utilized in other ways. They’re sent off to work in human governments to amass a different kind of power. However, every stone I have overturned reveals that the Nelo Clan truly has no contact with Charlotte, and until her sister’s sudden appearance, they did not know about her having survived all this time.
So, why did Arabella show up that day?
Even if she is a spoiled little girl, she runs her own business and owns a well-known brand. She knows not to do anything to tarnish her image. So, why take such a drastic step?
And why did Charlotte’s family throw her out, in their minds to her death, rather than use her like they have others?
I don’t think Charlotte is pondering these two questions. But as I see Beruth Sanguinite enter the cafe at that late hour, my suspicions are confirmed. There is something about Charlotte that her family has been trying to bury. If Charlotte had been there that day when he showed up, would she still be alive?
I glance down at Charlotte and see the way her hands are shaking. She’s terrified of her father. Her knuckles are white as she clutches the mouse, and her breathing is labored.
“What does he want?” she breathes. Her body is trembling like a leaf, and my jaw tightens. I know she suffered some sort of abuse at the hands of her family, but aside from the one incident she mentioned at dinner two weeks ago, she hasn’t volunteered any more information. I don’t want to have to pry it from her, but Beruth’s presence is troubling.
The smart decision in this situation, one that my wolf agrees with, is to stash Charlotte somewhere safe, somewhere her family can’t get to her. But that would be the easy way out. And I know how much Charlotte likes her job. She won’t be happy sitting in my house, doing nothing.
I won’t imprison her.
I won’t take her freedom away from her.
I’ll just have to let the Nelo Clan know that Charlotte is now under the protection of the Alpha of the Montgomery Pack. The elders will have a lot to say about this decision, but at the end of the day, it is mine to make. They can’t do anything about it aside from making things uncomfortable for me.
“Charlotte,” I say slowly.
Hearing my voice seems to jolt her out of her shocked state. When she looks up at me, there is no hiding the fear in her eyes. “He came here to kill me, didn’t he? Just like Arabella.”