“I don’t want to hear you out!” I say fiercely. “For heaven’s sake, Robert. What are you even thinking? You’re an Alpha! You have a pack. Nothing is going to come of this. Nothing good, anyway!”

“You don’t know that.” Robert’s brow furrows, and I stare at him for a moment, feeling confused.

After a moment, I speak, slowly and with precision. “Robert, think about what you are doing. What happened between us was a mistake. It never should have happened. I don’t know why you are trying to do all this, but you’re not thinking clearly. There is nothing in our future. Absolutely nothing. So, there’s no reason to start anything. We cannot be friends because our species are at war. It’s best if we just stay away from each other.”

I practiced this speech after our night together, sure that he would show up eventually. But as I deliver it, it doesn’t seem right. It’s like the words are coming out of somebody else’s mouth.

Robert looks upset, his eyebrows knitting together. “You’re rejecting me?”

“I’m saying—”

“Is it because of my scar?” he demands bluntly.

I suddenly feel insulted. “Why would I have a problem with your scar? What kind of question is that?”

“Well, that’s the only reason I can think of for you rejecting me.” Robert gives me a suspicious look.

I can’t help but glare at him. “Don’t pretend to be dense, and don’t play the scar card with me. I don’t have a problem with your scar. And you know exactly why I’m saying no. I just told you.”

“If you really felt that way,” Robert counters, “then why were you so angry that I didn’t show up sooner?”

His fierce response has me staggering. I have no way of answering that.

“I—I wasn’t angry…” I try to slip out of the trap that I unwittingly just created for myself.

“Now you’re insulting me.” Robert gives me a look that makes me want to smack him over the head. “You were upset I didn’t get in touch with you. If you truly believed your little speech, then you would have been thrilled that I didn’t, wouldn’t you?”

I can’t fault his logic. The truth is, I wanted him to show up, but I also knew that if he had finally walked away from me, it was for the best.

When I can’t get any words out, Robert smirks. “Well, we have our answer right there.”

My eyes narrow, and I take a step forward, drilling my finger into his chest. “No, we don’t. My answer is no. It’s going to remain no.”

Robert looks down at my finger. “What if I can change your mind?”

A sharp laugh leaves my mouth. “I prefer survival over dating, Robert. My answer won’t change. You are trouble. I like to stay away from trouble.”

He doesn’t so much as flinch.

“The problem is, Charlotte,” Robert gently wraps his hand around my finger, his voice low, “it’s not just me who wants you. My wolf is equally obsessed with you.”

When he takes a step toward me, I feel my heart skip a beat. The friendly, cheerful man I know has been replaced by a dark, dangerous one with a crooning voice that is reaching inside me and touching every sensitive nerve.

“I can’t force you to do anything, of course.” He brings my finger to his lips and presses a kiss against the very tip of it.

My abdomen tightens at this tame action.

“But I can do my very best to change your mind.” His smile is both wicked and charming, and I can’t get my traitorous heart under control. I watch helplessly as he turns my hand around to press a wet kiss to the center of my palm. “Let’s see which one of us manages to hold out the longest.”

“Charlotte, the lemon tarts are cool—” Jazz’s voice dies as she walks out of the kitchen and straight into the scene playing out before her. “Ah, you two need some privacy?”

“I was just leaving,” Robert says, but he doesn’t look away from me.

My mouth is dry as he leans forward and plants a very sweet kiss on my cheek, murmuring as he does, “I’ll see you back in my bed really soon, little vampire.”

As he turns around to walk away, I stand there frozen. The moment he is out the door, however, Jazz explodes, excited. “What the hell was that all about?! Charlotte!”

I turn around slowly to look at her. “I—I don’t know.”