Aisha’s eyes widen. “You slept with her.”
I groan, sinking onto the couch. “I lost control. She drank from me, and I let her, and then I bit her on her neck, where the mating mark is supposed to go.”
My sister is pale now. “You mated her?”
“I don’t know. I don’t think that’s how it works for those not of our species. Neither of us was very much in control. I don’t feel her inside me, so I don’t think a mating bond was formed between us.”
Aisha is silent, watching me. After a few seconds, she says quietly, “You sound disappointed.”
A broken laugh spills out of my mouth. “Don’t I, though? My wolf wants her. I want her. It’s completely illogical. I shouldn’t even be risking my position as Alpha, but here I am, wishing I could feel the mating bond with this woman I’ve known for only a few weeks.”
“Knowing you, you would have run an extensive background check on her,” Aisha murmurs. “You wouldn’t have approached her if you thought she was a threat. Do you want my opinion on this?”
I give her a wan smile. “That’s why I asked you over.”
“Follow your heart,” Aisha says gently. “I know it’s cringy advice, but Robert, nothing should ever come before the woman you love—not the pack, not your status, not power or money. This is probably not what Morris would say to you, but I will. If you think that this woman is special and that you cannot live without her, then you should fight for her. And as far as the pack accepting her is concerned, you’re the Alpha. I do understand that, right now, with the current environment being what it is, it will be hard, but you need to think about what you want to prioritize. You can fight for the woman you want, or you can choose to walk away. Either way, I will have your back. No matter what Morris or anyone else says, I’m on your side.”
My lips twitch. “Just like that?”
“Just like that.” She smiles at me. “What is family for, after all? But…” her voice turns hard, “if this woman becomes a threat—”
“I’ll be the first one to get rid of her,” I say coolly.
Even if it kills me.
My conversation with Aisha did little more than get an ally on my side. At the end of the day, everybody else will look at Charlotte as the enemy. Her being a vampire is enough to make her untrustworthy in the eyes of the pack.
I’m not a fool.
I know I should resist my wolf’s desires.
That’s why I was trying to reach a compromise by going to dinner with Charlotte, as friends. I was sure I could control myself, my urges. But it’s next to impossible.
I haven’t seen her in over a week now. And I’ve been miserable.
I’ve never been a selfish man. An Alpha has to look out for the interests of the pack. He cannot afford to be selfish. But I want to be selfish this time. I want this one thing for myself. I know how happy Adam is. I’ve seen the wild love in Morris’s eyes when he is with Aisha. I want that for me.
Common sense is telling me that I can’t have it. That I can’t turn my back on my pack.
But my heart disagrees.
I stare out my office window at the small cafe on the corner, just across the street from me. She’s so close, and she feels so far away. I’ve always prided myself on not being indecisive, but I am standing in the center of a storm, torn between two paths: one to search for my own happiness, and the other to remain loyal to my duties. I won’t be able to do both because forcing the pack to accept Charlotte will be next to impossible. Even if the pack does try, the elders, who want to use their daughters or nieces to gain the power that comes from being related to the Alpha, will fight me at every turn.
I see the door to the cafe open. A red-haired woman walks out, struggling with her jacket. It’s quite cold these days, and I see her trying to fight against the wind.
I feel like a coward, staring at her from a distance. I haven’t called her or reached out to her once after our night together. God knows what she thinks of me.
All of a sudden, I realize she’s not moving. She seems to be waiting for somebody.
My brows knit together as I watch her lift her hand in a short wave. Following her gaze, I see a man approaching her.
She’s smiling at him.
My heart sinks.
When he reaches her, she hugs him.