I close my eyes in mortification, and she elbows me. “Thank him!”
“Thanks,” I say slowly, feeling shaken.
He shouldn’t be getting me flowers!
“Ready to go?” he asks, his eyes laughing at me.
I know full well that if I linger one minute more, Jazz and Gina will say something else that will only serve to embarrass me.
“Yeah.” I grab my things off one of the tables, and we head out.
Robert opens his car door, but I shake my head. “I’d rather walk.”
“Lead the way.” He gestures with his hand, but I don’t move.
“Charlotte?” he asks after a minute.
Staring at him, I take my time to speak. “Why did you get me flowers? I didn’t ask for flowers.”
“I told you. I saw them, and—”
“You’re an Alpha, Robert, of a wolf shifter pack. What are you doing giving me flowers and trying to go to dinner with me?” This whole thing seems ludicrous.
“Is giving someone flowers a crime now?” He gives me a half-smile.
I don’t smile back. “It could cause an issue with a lot of people.”
“Then that would be my problem, wouldn’t it?” He meets my gaze, serious now. “I am more than capable of looking after myself, Charlotte. And I see no reason why we can’t be friends.”
There’s something about the way he says the last part that has me scrutinizing him. The lack of sincerity in those words makes me wonder if he really means them.
“One dinner,” I say tightly. “I can’t afford to be friends with you, Robert. The whole idea is insane.”
He sighs. “Pity. I don’t have many friends. Being in the position I am, it’s hard to trust people.”
“And you think a vampire is someone you can trust?” I begin walking down the street, and he follows me.
“I feel I can trust you.” He shrugs. “You’re different from the others.”
“Now, that’s a line I haven’t heard before,” I say dryly before adding, in a mocking tone, “You’re not like other girls, Charlotte. You’re different!”
Robert bursts into laughter. “Who was it? Who said that to you?”
“A human who tried to pick me up in a bar.” The memory makes me cringe.
Robert’s laughter, though, makes me glance at him.
He really is handsome. I know his flaws should make him unappealing. I wish they would. It would be easier to despise him or fear him than feel this illicit attraction that refuses to die down.
“Either way…” Robert falls into step beside me, shamelessly tucking my arm around the crook of his elbow. “I am in need of a friend, and I don’t see why you can’t be it.”
“Do you hear yourself? We—”
“If you point out the differences in our species again, I’m going to start showing up with flowers every day, at your workplace.” He beams at me.
I snap my mouth shut. Is that a threat?
It sounds like one.