The smart thing would be to close this chapter here and walk away.
Since she doesn’t want to get involved with the supernatural world, it would be best for me to retreat and leave her to the life she’s building for herself. But my wolf doesn’t want to leave. And neither do I.
I still want to ask her about her clan, but the topic seems to be a sensitive one for her.
“So, what about dinner?”
Charlotte looks a little hesitant. “It’s the end of the month, so I don’t have a lot of cash right now. The best I can do is order Chinese. There’s a small takeout place not far from here. They have good egg rolls.”
“Sure.” I pluck Mano from her arms. “You order, then.”
The cat sniffs my face before climbing on top of my shoulder and stretching herself out.
I watch Charlotte place the order, and my mind fills with a hundred questions, none of which I can ask right now. She’s so young, in her early twenties. A man in his mid-thirties is surely nothing short of boring for her, but I can’t talk myself into leaving. Even in her silly pajamas, she is adorable. I don’t think I could ever tire of looking at this woman.
As I stare at Charlotte while she talks to the restaurant on the phone, I realize I’ve never wanted someone the way I want this woman. Everything inside me, including my wolf, wants to possess this beautiful creature, and the sheer force of this desire frightens me. From the moment I laid eyes on her, I’ve been fascinated. I knew what she was then, and I know what she is now, but it doesn’t matter.
It must be a purely physical response. Because why would I be attracted to a vampire? It makes no sense. My kind can sleep with those outside our species, but our wolves are drawn to our mates, whether fated or chosen by our animals. I can’t understand my wolf’s desire to be around this little vampire.
I’ve seen plenty of beautiful women in my life. Since I’m the Alpha, especially these days, there is no shortage of women throwing themselves at me. And yet my eyes keep going toward this little barista with her one-eyed cat, childish pajamas, and untamed hair. I keep watching her face, the way her lips move, how her eyes glisten.
I’ve been attracted to women before, but never like this.
A small voice in my head tells me to leave. It warns me not to be selfish, not to be foolish. Charlotte doesn’t want to be dragged into the world of Others, and the scarring on my face acts as a repellent against women as it is.
My lips curve in a self-deprecating smile. Charlotte doesn’t look at me and see a desirable man. She must see an Alpha with a terrifying, ugly face.
But the fact that those eyes of hers don’t hold the slightest amount of disdain both puzzles and intrigues me. It makes me want to stay. The boy inside me who has been shunned for so long wonders when he will see that disgust.
“So, you work here?”
“I volunteer,” she replies, setting down the phone.
“You don’t get paid, then?” I study her, pondering something. “Why do it at all? I doubt this is easy work.”
The caution in her eyes is unmistakable. “I like animals. I’m saving up to go to veterinary school.”
“You mentioned it. A vampire vet?” I chuckle.
When her eyes narrow, I instantly clamp my mouth shut, repentant. “I didn’t mean—”
“What’s so odd about that?” She looks miffed.
“Nothing, it’s just—”
“I am very good with animals, and I have helped Ricky with plenty of his surgeries!”
“Who’s Ricky?”
“He runs this shelter,” Charlotte shoots at me, “and he’s a very good vet. He’ll help me with my entrance exam once I finish my prerequisite courses.”
“You’re a student, as well?” I blink in surprise.
“I’m going to enroll in community college next semester.” Charlotte glowers at me, eyes flashing.
I enjoy the show of temper. “Good for you.”
She seems a little taken aback by my encouragement, and the look on her face has me asking, “What?”